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Coral Vue Hydros

New 46g bowfront tank!


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Hey :)


What contest? And Why?!?!? lol


The tanks doing great! I raised the temp up to 83 over/for the past few days incase Junoir did get ich...but he doesnt have it so im going to lower it again. The cleaner shrimp is growing like MAD!!! Moulted 3 times in a month! The clownfish is also growing, becuase he's a piggy for sure... and Junoir is doing amazing! Getting more bold, and adventurous, even more than he already is/was! :o lol He doesn't have any ich spots, and is doing great! Soooooo lucky that i got him just in time before he got ich from the other fish and tank he was in at BA... :D


Flick :)

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Hey :)


What contest? And Why?!?!? lol


follow the link to another link. It is for tanks from 20 to 50 gallons. Your tank would look good in the contest.


Hey :)


The tanks doing great!


THis is why you should be in this contest



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Thanks i will keep pics up! :)


Ohh i get it! Ok i will soon... ive got updated news :(


I was feeding the tank, when i noticed Junoir has ich :( :( :( He doesn;t have a lot (maybe 5 tini ones on his whole body), you cannot even tell unless you look VERY HARD when he stops mocing, and is still acting normal, and eating well. I raised the tank temp again (it will settle around 83)... The clownfish doesnt have any, and is still normal... the cleaner is fine.


PLEASE GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS/TIPS/COMMENT GUYS ASAP!!! What can i do to help, and make my tank survive this?!?! Im sure the cleaner will clean the spots...but he will still be infected would he not?!?! I really want Junoir to survive through this, and also Nemo the clown and Buddy the cleaner shrimp... So please help me save their lives!!!!!!!! :(



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Thanks for you help everyone! :) Your such great help! :(


The spots were gone the next day :D So i think maybe they were air bubbles, but i doubt it. I think they were ich spots, and the cleaner cleaned them. He currently doesn't have any... but today he is barely moving! :( He use to be very active and out and about. Now he's in one corner, still healthy (bright coloured, fins are not clamped)... but lethargic :( What should i do?!?! Has anyone else had a fish go from super active to calm over a night?! I think somethings up :( Im going to go feed the tank to see if that perks him up. He ate lastnight... and was active as usualy yesterday too... I hate this!!!! :(


PLEASE give suggestions guys... for Junoirs sake!



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I just tested the water. Everything was good, but ammonia was .5 :( So before i did a water change, i fed the tank mysis shrimp... Junoir came out from his cave, ate some, and become more active now! :D


I did a water change, and Junoir is even more active now! :D He's out again, back to his normal self, and all! When i just finished pouring the new water in, i look and the cleaner shrimp was cleaning Junoir! He (Junoir) hasn't rubbed on any rocks for a few days now... and like i said earlier, his body is clear of spots, sores, and any other bad signs :) Maybe he was in a bad mood this morning?! Oh well, the food and water change seems to have helped :)



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When feeding, I would soak the mysis in garlic extreme and/or Selcon. Both seem to help in keeping fish healthy and fighting off ich and other diseases. I had a Tang with white spots all over his body and once I started alternating soaking his food in garlic extreme or Selcon, no more white spots.

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Thanks for info...


Sadly when i came home from school today :( Junoir had passed :( :( :(


He was such a brilliant, gorgeous, healthy, happy fish. The clown and cleaner are fine and healthy... so i think just bicolors are not my fish :( This just really sucks. I just love them sooo much! And i truely thought Junoir was going to live a looooong happy life from the way he was acting. Then to see him go from super energetic all day, to being in his cave all day, i knew something was up :( This sucks...


Wondering again if i should just setup my 10g as my SW tank. I'd leep the 46g and stand and all equipment, but just take it down to tempt me from getting another expensive fish and have it perish :(



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sorry to hear about another death but there are some things you can do


actually wait 6 weeks before adding another fish. Did he die from the ich symptoms or unknown? Its very probable whatever killed the first angel was still in the water. You cannot test for parasites and other diseases, this is why you have to wait them out so they die when there is nothing for them to host in.


How is your clown? if he has ich you must wait 6 weeks from whenever he recovers to get another fish. Longer would be better.


I'd also look at buying fish somewhere other then big al's. I have some fish from there that are doing great but many fish I bought there did die and imo the fact they are kept at such low salinity stresses them out. I'd much rather buy from somewhere that's keeping their fish at 1.025 or 1.026 and not have to drip them for hours on end. Everywhere gets sick and dying fish, but it seems like there it happens more. Of course they have more fish then many reef shops so that's another reason.


I wouldn't go back to the 10g you will have just as many problems if not more because of the smaller water volume. You just need to let your tank mature and maintain high water quality and everything will be fine.

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Hey man thanks for all the tips! :D


No, other clown is perfect as can be! :o Very active, eating well like usualy, no clampped fins, not a single spot, or any other sore for that matter! :D


I will wait 6 weeks now... nto worth taking chances is it :(


I am looking into ordering inline ;) From places such as reefhotspot.com... they have gorgeous fish, and good prices! :D Their fish are healthy too, and i have talked to people who ordered from them, and they couldn't be happier! :D


I will keep the 46g. You are right about a 10g being harder. My 15g was harder than the 46g, so that shows me right there...


Thanks again andrewkw :) Where do you get your fish?!?! Have you ever ordered online? If so, where at?


Flick :)

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Waiting is key to your sucess.


I buy most of my fish at reef raft. They specialize in rare fish but do have some common ones as well. Where's The Reef's fish system will be up and running anytime so one day I suggest you visit both shots, you can also check out oakville reef gallery at the same time. North American Fish Breeders is another place with probably the widest selection its a little further scarborough. It's best to plan your trip around a shipment as selection can vary.


You can't order reefhotspot they are us based. I've ordered from jlaquatics before, got my naked clowns there. You can do airport to airport shipping and they also do ups.

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i was talking to my LFS owner today about bicolors and he told me that they really dont do well in captivity. Maybe [after 6 weeks ofcourse] a coral beauty, like mine :), would look nice in your tank.

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I thought of that ;) lol Not sure though, i want to get a true perc from somewhere then will decide :)


Thanks andrewkw :) Thats great info! :D I will look them up, and ask my mom if we can go out there in a few weeks time...


crazinezz... chow was shopping online? Does that place ship to Canada? How much did shipping cost for the clowns? Were they packed good? lol thanks :)



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the shipping was 30 [american dollars]. Im not sure about shipping to canada, but they shipped it great. ALTHOUGH THEY MISSED THE TANG IN THE ORDER, its good though like you said, the bioload would rapidly increase. Maybe ill get the tang later.

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Not bad not bad...


Yeah, that would have been too much at once! lol What species of tang again? Yellow was it? Their kole tangs looks AMAZING!!! :o Soooo gorgeous! Im very tempted to get one in a few weeks... ;) lol


Flick :)

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I am also sad to hear about Junior. This time keep to your six week rule. The more often we stick to our plans, the better things turn out.


I'm one to talk. I was going to wait 3 months before getting anything, even the CUC... and I am now the owner of two clowns only 1 month into my tank. Impulse buys are rarely good things.


take care


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:o Soooo gorgeous! Im very tempted to get one in a few weeks... ;) lol


Flick :)


I wouldn't do that. You're having trouble keeping a fish alive that isn't too big for your tank. Don't automatically cause one more stress factor on a new fish. Get one that can live in your tank comfortably.


btw, Cherub angels rule.

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I wouldn't do that. You're having trouble keeping a fish alive that isn't too big for your tank. Don't automatically cause one more stress factor on a new fish. Get one that can live in your tank comfortably.


btw, Cherub angels rule.


its not about the size of the bicolor compared to his tank. Its more about the fact that bicolors rarely do good in captivity. A kole tang is probably much more hardier then the bicolor angel and also its probably the smallest tang, so id think flick would be fine if he got a small specimen


Yup, Cherub Angel DO rule.

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Hey guys,


dsoz- Yeah, im gonna wait for sure now...


fewskillz- Thanks... I see your point, but like craziness said, Junoir didn't die becuase the tank size. I found out that bicolors get caught with cyanide :( They don't last long after acclimation :( Thats why they died, but my clown and cleaner have been fine ;) lol


craziness- I agree with ya, but i don't think im gonna get a tang. I REALLY, and i mean REALLLYYY want one of those true percs from where you got yours... They are GORGEOUS!!! :D However i'd have to pay more than $80 after shipping and everything :( yuck! lol Im going to ask my parents if one day in about 6 weeks we can head out to:


-Reef Raft

-Where's The Reef

-Oakville Reef Gallery


You can't order reefhotspot they are us based. I've ordered from jlaquatics before, got my naked clowns there. You can do airport to airport shipping and they also do ups.


Thanks andrewkw! I didn't see you put this before! :D How much has shipping costed you in total? From the shop, to your tank? Is it worth doing it all for one gorgeous true perc??? Or should i check out the places you suggested above?!?! Thanks man...


Flick :)

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Shipping was about $50 I think its roughly the same for airport to airport or UPS at least for me. For you kitcherner airport is closer then YYZ.


I don't think its worth it to have a true perc shipped since they are basically a dime a dozen. Yes a beautiful fish but very common. I've never seen the sunrise (naked) clowns sold anywhere around here. Picaso and other rare clowns are sometimes availible though.


You can get a lot more at those shops then you can online in Canada as they basically have everything. Just make sure you call ahead to see if they have what you want as things tend to move fast at the reef shops.


Hey guys,


dsoz- Yeah, im gonna wait for sure now...


fewskillz- Thanks... I see your point, but like craziness said, Junoir didn't die becuase the tank size. I found out that bicolors get caught with cyanide :( They don't last long after acclimation :( Thats why they died, but my clown and cleaner have been fine ;) lol


craziness- I agree with ya, but i don't think im gonna get a tang. I REALLY, and i mean REALLLYYY want one of those true percs from where you got yours... They are GORGEOUS!!! :D However i'd have to pay more than $80 after shipping and everything :( yuck! lol Im going to ask my parents if one day in about 6 weeks we can head out to:


-Reef Raft

-Where's The Reef

-Oakville Reef Gallery

Thanks andrewkw! I didn't see you put this before! :D How much has shipping costed you in total? From the shop, to your tank? Is it worth doing it all for one gorgeous true perc??? Or should i check out the places you suggested above?!?! Thanks man...


Flick :)

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I wasn't saying that Junior died from being in a 46 bowfront. I think a bicolor angel is perfect sized for this size tank. We don't know what caused his death. We could chalk it up to "bi-colors don't do well in captivity" but there is no way to know. So what if it's something else? Then you're going to add a tang and have to deal with whatever killed Junior ALONG WITH the tank being too small for the fish. It's not worth it, there are too many other very pretty fish that will flourish in this size tank. At some point us humans have to curb the "want more" mentality. Get a fish that will fit in the tank.

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I wasn't saying that Junior died from being in a 46 bowfront. I think a bicolor angel is perfect sized for this size tank. We don't know what caused his death. We could chalk it up to "bi-colors don't do well in captivity" but there is no way to know. So what if it's something else?


I'm not trying to be a party pooper either but the two bicolors weren't the only fish losses, a chromis and a clown died too. Maybe it was just coincidence/poor luck that 4 fish died in a short period of time, but maybe not.


I think you are wise to wait at least 6 weeks Flick. :)

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