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Finnex 30g owners unite!


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Packing has been their forte for the past almost couple years now with these tanks.


Volk, yeah the fan replacement is definitely quite pleasing to the ears. :) Nothing worse than an annoyingly loud tiny fan.

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im thinking im investing too much money in this crappy light fixture all together...didnt you ended up getting something new for it?

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im thinking im investing too much money in this crappy light fixture all together...didnt you ended up getting something new for it?


Not really, I only added in the reflectors, and then a pair of R2 moonlights (which I ordered the single, but they sent me the double, SCORE!). And then replaced the fan of course. And since mine is almost 2 years old now, I've also replaced the bulbs a few months ago for new. I think the combo I went with is in my tank thread... I'm seriously considering upgrading to the new Finnex T5 fixture that comes with 9x1w LEDs.

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whats the point of these moon lights when you cant set them on the timer??


Why can't you set them on a timer? Is there only one plug for the moonlights and T5s? On the MH 150W light there is a seperate plug for all three elements (MH, T5, and Moons). It would seem silly not to be able to put them on different times.

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i dont know how it is on the new fixture, but on the prev. version, there are two plugs, one for whites, one for blues, moon lights only go on if you use the switch to shot the lights off so you cant time the night lights, so they are useless

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On a timer, or a controller like mine is the moonlights are indeed pointless as you're actually cutting power to the actinic circuit, so switch on or off, the moons won't work. But the R2 ones I have are better anyways as they spread the blue light evenly, rather than just a narrow beam on each end of the tank leaving the middle dark as the stock ones do.

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lol sorry guys, i guess i should have read back a little more :).... i thought you guys were talking about original tek reflectors thats why i mentioned the aquactinics.... my bad.

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Hey Phix. On the Finnex 30 gallon, what brand/type of bulb should I buy to replace the fuge bulb?


Gosh I dunno, that reminds me that I've never replaced mine yet, eek! :o:ninja:

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GUYS! Huge problem, my return pump died. I need to get a fast replacement. Pump i had was the pump that came with the tank. I never liked that pump. what should i get? It would be nice to get a MAG pump, since i can get it from a LFS today. But no idea what pump will fit there.


Anyone, what do you guys replaced yours with?


Thanks in advance.

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I replaced mine with a Rio 14HF. It's loud, but the flow is double what the stock pump is. It's almost exactly the same size as the stock pump (see the pics comparing the two pumps on about page 20 of my Finnex thread in my sig below) and it'll work with the T-pipe setup with vitrually no modifications. Ken @ OceanReeflections helped me find the best suited and sized pump for our tanks, and the Rio 12 or 14 HF fits that bill. The 12 is the same sizeas the 14, but less flow/power consumption.

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is your pump still loud?


Yes, though it doesn't seem like it since I've long gotten used to it. Rio pumps in general is loud. I need to replumb mine though because the T-pipe is "3/4 diameter (O.D.) and really the pump should be used with "1 O.D. plumbing. I've been told by TAAM reps that could be contributing to the noise from it.

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just a thought. while i was waiting for the impeller to come in directly from finnex, i threw in a MJ 1200 to run as a return pump.. And now im thinking.... the flow is a bit slower then i had with the finnex pump for sure. But do i really need it to be strong? I have the vortex mp20 moving all the water pretty well. But what I really like about the MJ is that its completely silent. I hear nothing from it, and i was able to hear the sounds from the finnex return pump.


What do you guys think about this? What are the cons on running a slower return pump for me?


Main reason i decided not to go with the RIO pump is that its noisy and I dont know about now but few years back using a RIO as a return pump was a big risk since they would break and leak oil or whatever that crap was right into the tank and kill everything in seconds.

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MP20? Man, you're good to go with the MJ1200 in the back then!! My stock Finnex pump was silent with my experience. The Rio has a loud buzz to it... =/ But since you have the MP20 in the tank, your return is pretty much just moving water through the back rather than adding on the task of keeping the flow moving in the display. So honestly, you should be fine just as you have it. In my case I rely on the main return pump both for flow and to pass water through the rear chambers and fuge. I might change this up one day as I have a K-2 in the display right now, but maybe a pair of K1's are in order instead...

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should this fan be ok?



i see there an option for 3 or 4 pins, i think the actual fan in te fixture is only 2 pins...


I did actually replace mine. Only because the stock one is crappy and started sounding like a jet plane... I happened to have a generic brand fan sitting here from a CPU fan/heatsink unit, that I used to replace the stock one with. Make sure whatever fan you get matches the specs of the stock one and get one that's ball-bearing, the stock is just a DC brushless type. It's 12v DC and rated at 0.12A The fan is 40mm but I used a 50mm one and it works out well and is quiet.
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That should work! The important part is matching the amperage to the stock fan. Stock is like 0.16A But with mine, it was a 2-wire fan and I just hard wired it in. With a 3-wire, one wire is for fan speed control which is irrelivant in our fixtures, you just need to wire the "hot" and ground wires. Also, the stock fan is 40x40mm but since the one in your link is 50x50mm like the one I swapped with is, the fan will only be held in by one of the 2 screws that hold it in place. Just thought I'd toss that FYI in there on that. But it's not a problem and doesn't cause any vibration or noise issues for me, just be sure it's held in tight enough where it won't move or vibrate around. :)

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Quick question....



I have tons of micro bubbles. Looks like they are possibly coming from the skimmer or from the water overflowing from the skimmer chamber. I took out the sponge and just use the little black box with a filter piece in it and live rock rubble in the chamber with a eggcrate bottom. What do you guys do for the micro bubbles? Thanks in advance!

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Well the spong is supposeed to help, but how new is your tank and how long have you been using the skimmer? It can take a week or two to break-in fully...

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