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Phixion's Finnex 30g glass


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just cut it Matt its easy lol


how many gallons of water do you change out when you do a WC ?

is there any secrets on how to make zoos grow lol cause i still want to give you some of your blues back.

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just cut it Matt its easy lol


how many gallons of water do you change out when you do a WC ?

is there any secrets on how to make zoos grow lol cause i still want to give you some of your blues back.

i think iodine works

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just cut it Matt its easy lol


how many gallons of water do you change out when you do a WC ?

is there any secrets on how to make zoos grow lol cause i still want to give you some of your blues back.


Oh candy canes I have no trouble doing myself, it's SPS and zoas I'll have others do for me. :P


I change out 5g at a time, just because that's one bucket worth, and simple to keep track of and uses minimal buckets. I think the secret for zoas is rediculously high Ca levels, because mine are around 500ppm (even after no W/C for about a month now) and I'm noticing many of my frags sprouting a new polyp or two. My neon green canes are about to split yet even more heads, same with the mint green colony I have. i got it from Jin last year with 11 heads, and it's up to 14-15 heads now! Neon green I bought from PTF with 5 heads, and now it's up to 8, 2 of those growing since I moved 3 months ago!! :o



i think iodine works


Iodine is definitely not needed for growth, it's only for healing purposes really. I'd never put iodine in my tank anyways unless I needed it for a specific reason. BTW ironically I don't feed my tank (since I moved) and that's when everything starts multiplying like rabbits, lol! My secret is starving my tank. ;)

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Oh candy canes I have no trouble doing myself, it's SPS and zoas I'll have others do for me. :P


I change out 5g at a time, just because that's one bucket worth, and simple to keep track of and uses minimal buckets. I think the secret for zoas is rediculously high Ca levels, because mine are around 500ppm (even after no W/C for about a month now) and I'm noticing many of my frags sprouting a new polyp or two. My neon green canes are about to split yet even more heads, same with the mint green colony I have. i got it from Jin last year with 11 heads, and it's up to 14-15 heads now! Neon green I bought from PTF with 5 heads, and now it's up to 8, 2 of those growing since I moved 3 months ago!! :o

Iodine is definitely not needed for growth, it's only for healing purposes really. I'd never put iodine in my tank anyways unless I needed it for a specific reason. BTW ironically I don't feed my tank (since I moved) and that's when everything starts multiplying like rabbits, lol! My secret is starving my tank. ;)



well you and paul have something going on in your tanks that zoos love lol I never went to pick up my AOG from him and it started off as 4 polyps, a month went by and now its like 15 polyps lol I starved my tank lol and still nothing remember when i first met you at paul's? well the eagle eyes have yet to grow lol maybe a few extra polyps :lol:

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No AoGs here, but I have some similar ones I can hook you up with once they grow out some more. Itotally remember when I met you at Pauls, that was I think my 2nd time I went to his place. I'm like a regular customer now! :P Yesh, I dunno what it is with my tank though. I'm doing a 5g W/C tonight, so I'm sure my stuff will slow down in growing a lot with my luck. :(

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Just cleaned up much of the cyano. Emptied out 3 full of the medium sized Gladware containers full of cyano laced water using a turkey baster. Much of my issues are due to build up of detrius. :( I gotta re-aim my Koralia pump to fix that. In the meantime I need to find what eats up excess detris, and kill some of the hair algae I have that collects detrius in it like a beard catchs food. =/


EDIT: Also did a 5g water change tonight and scraped the gimungus salt build up on the spalsh shield in the light fixture, so we'll see how that helps things out. fingerscrossed

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If the tank looks good today when I get home, I'll post up pics! B)


On an unrelated note, the using a small pipette to blow some sand from off a couple frags, and all the sudden Dusky pops out of his burrow and BIT the end of the pipette super hard core, moreso than my bastage cown does. :o I hope he's not getting brave and will be attacking me soon as well, lolz! :haha:

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A new FTS tonight, after spending like 4 hours last night doing a 5g W/C, but only after sucking out a buttload of cyano, and cleaning all the crap and GHA from off my Koralia 2 pump. Looks much nicer now! B)




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Further cleaning of the tank this past weekend. Got my lazy butt up and cleaned the catch strainers of both the skimmer and chiller pump. Tank cools better and easier now, and my skimmer is actually skimming once again, lol!

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move that leather....... now i cant see the mouthwatering mushie you got from EZ


I thought I had commented to this, lol...! :huh:


Anywho, I'm gonna be relocating the mushie to where the new rics are currently at, on the lower left side above the entrance to Dusky's burrow. And I'll be putting the rics where the mushie currently is. I need to rescape the stuff on the sand though... =/


Veronica, EZ is currently babysitting that bastage since I got Paul's mated tomato pair. I didn't trust that meanie runt with the 3 new fish (including the Fridmani that you can't see in the pic). EZ is holding it for a couple to few weeks till Maeda gets my 10g AGA set up custom style (closed loop perhaps) once I take it to the secret lair. Then the runt clown will go in that tank to be Dina's problem. :P:lol: She want's a reef tank now too... *sigh*



Adin, you're a cold cold mod! :D

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pfft- you'll need more than orbitz to get that tank clean ;)


Right now it's on Freedent, lol! I need to get me an Eclipse Biggie-Pak! :(


Seriously though, come over and check out my tank Veronica, it's not really as bad as the pics make it out to be. Remember, cameras add 10lbs. of cyano to pictures. :lol:

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fraggle rockette
Right now it's on Freedent, lol! I need to get me an Eclipse Biggie-Pak! :(


Seriously though, come over and check out my tank Veronica, it's not really as bad as the pics make it out to be. Remember, cameras add 10lbs. of cyano to pictures. :lol:




funny... mine doesn't ;) lol. i will come over soon. i needs some RO goodness.

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funny... mine doesn't ;) lol. i will come over soon. i needs some RO goodness.


I will soooo hook you up with some fresh clean 0 TDS RO/DI water!! :D No charge either, hehe!

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Matt did you add more flow ? Take that stupid hydor flow off lol ( for real )


like the clowns btw.


do you have blue legged hermits ( sorry I am too lazy to read 19 pages )

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haha, yeah removing the Hydor is definitely in the plan. I got a "9 piece of locline which I'm going to half and get a bulkhead for so I can do the Y split thing with it.


No blue legs anymore, just a lone zebra hermit and 4 nass snails. Apparently what I've read I need some red-foot snails...

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haha, yeah removing the Hydor is definitely in the plan. I got a "9 piece of locline which I'm going to half and get a bulkhead for so I can do the Y split thing with it.


No blue legs anymore, just a lone zebra hermit and 4 nass snails. Apparently what I've read I need some red-foot snails...



I think I have some spare bulk head piece I will let you know later tonight or tomorrow. The hydor restricts flow thats why I said get rid of it.

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Your tort is waiting for your tank to get cleaned up.....what are your params at?


The params are good surprisingly, but the cyano is still very present... =/ I shall re-test it for you though.



I think I have some spare bulk head piece I will let you know later tonight or tomorrow. The hydor restricts flow thats why I said get rid of it.


My pump flow is techanically too much for the hydor, it's a 475gph pump, and the Hydor is rated at like 310gph MAX... :eek: lol!

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