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Chameleon Mushrooms FS (SoCal)


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Dane, OMG when I transfered the shroomies to the new tank this weekend, they blew up the spot and I swear doubled in size. Along with the increased light, they seem to like higher flow too. :D


Everything doing okay with the transfer? Make sure you keep an eye on the Nitrate levels, since we used some of the old sand.

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Everything doing okay with the transfer? Make sure you keep an eye on the Nitrate levels, since we used some of the old sand.


Yeah, bummer I got a wedding the day of the swap! :angry:

You should be cool Nitrate-Wise depending on the LR you used. The sand would likely rise the Amm. a bit if anything. Keep a Baster on those rocks daily for the mini-cycle, and you should be cool. Check ur Phosphates too if you have the test kit.

Dude, I know, everyday I see a couple new polyps of those Cham. Shrooms somewhere in my tank. One even made it into my fuge somehow? And is looking great under 18W PC! :P


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Ammonia is 0, nitrates are between 1 and 2. Everything is chill right now. B) Transfer went exactly as planned. The new L/R was so cured and cycled, my params were better than in my old tank, ahahaha!!

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My shrooms are doping great, I have one in the front of my tank is no joke 2+ inches, it has a nice blue and purple color to it. It is just awesome, 2 of the others are growing nice as well. Everyone should add a few to their tank, when I figure out how to work my new photo program I will post a pic.

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