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Jacob's Temperate Tank. *ReefBuilders Mention!*


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From the Front by Jacob-Reef, on Flickr


Well I think it is about time for me to start a thread for my coldwater tank. Well the tank is a 15g glass, chilled by a via aqua chiller. I plan on keeping the temp around 55 or lower, and the stock will some from the Puget Sound, and later on a pair of Catalina gobies from the interwebz. I will be leaving on vacation to my cabin on Shaw Island and I will be bringing back goodies to fill this tank up. Rock and all (haha no 3 month cycle for me ;))

Anyway, here are some pics to start this thing off right.

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Heres what the tank looks like in my room. I know everyone is jealous of my room :P



All funded by me and my lawn mowing, heck yes.

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Looks amazing bro!!! :o

Will be fun to watch. Even more so with stuff stocked from the area!!! B)

When I was young, we had a cabin on Blakely Island!!!


Keep mowin' dem lawns bro!!! :D

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Thanks man!


Yea I have a ton of money during the summer but when "mowing season" season is over my only money comes from random jobs and my birthday/christmas. So I gotta make money now. Ya its gonna be sweeeet when I get it stocked. I am gonna sit out in the rowboat at night with a flashlight...waiting. The dogfish (sharks) are kinda creepy at night because it seems like every time I am up there one bumps my hand lol.


Oh and the reason I will be sitting out at night is because the lights attract little inverts and then the fish I want (Spiny Lumpsucker) comes over to munch on them, then I net them!


Edit: Really? Cool. Its really fun up in the sound isn't it?

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Thanks man!


Haha I know, I love it. I think the best time to be in this hobby is when you are young. Basically all of my money goes into my tank.


My thread is washingtonians only haha.

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Yup, fo sho.


Living here makes setting up a CW tank soo much easier.


Ya I saw your post on RF. Nice people you said. Is the person you sold it to a member on here also?

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Yup, fo sho.


Living here makes setting up a CW tank soo much easier.


Ya I saw your post on RF. Nice people you said. Is the person you sold it to a member on here also?


Very nice folks!!! I don't think they are members here though.

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Nice!!! you musta mowed alotta lawns :happy:

can't wait to see watcha catch!


Ya a lot of the stuff I will catch will be too big, but I am really hoping for the elusive spiny lumpsucker haha. Ya I mow a lot of lawns believe me.

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Ah, what were there names David? Was the guy's name Michael?

Yep... "returnofsid", and "Madissons_Mommy"... Top notch folks!!! B)

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Small world...


I am sure I am gonna run into someone from NR when I am at blue sierra lol. Hey David I am talking to Eric right now.

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Yep... "returnofsid", and "Madissons_Mommy"... Top notch folks!!! B)


Yep cool peeps, his tanks are great i've gotten a few things from him. I want to go see his new 200 gallon soon.


Sorry Jacob your thread has been hijacked! j/k 15 gallon is an awesome size!


Oh and i had a cold water tank with puget sound animals about 17 years ago lol. It was a 2 gallon bowl, i had some hermits and some little fish that almost looked like a scooter blenny. I had it going for about a year or so with nothing but a sponge filter and air pump, no chiller, but back then i didn't know any better. I only knew enough to mix the instant ocean :D

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Haha the little blenny looking thing was probably a bull head (sculpin kinda thing). And they can live in temps over 80 degrees. The tidepools they hang out in get sooo hot. I have been going up there and flipping over rocks since I was a year old, really fun.


Ehh its fine. I kinda hijacked davids thread lol. Time to get yours mwuhaha




David, Eric emailed you if you didn't know.

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Haha the little blenny looking thing was probably a bull head (sculpin kinda thing). And they can live in temps over 80 degrees. The tidepools they hang out in get sooo hot. I have been going up there and flipping over rocks since I was a year old, really fun.


Ehh its fine. I kinda hijacked davids thread lol. Time to get yours mwuhaha




David, Eric emailed you if you didn't know.


I've abandoned my thread until my tank looks perfect :D. You are probably right on the bullhead, it's been soo long since i lived over there i forgot what the tidepool creatures looked like.

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You should go back its really fun. And I revived your threads haha.


I noticed :P


I do miss Seattle sometimes, mostly the being close to the ocean, not so much the people and traffic :P

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Ya I live in Yakima, a very crappy town. Seattle has too many people I agree. I am not a big fan of highly populated areas :)

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