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Innovative Marine Aquariums

New Nano Cube Stand


Side shot w/ storage

From the category:

Tank Shots

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That's an awesome stand! It blends in well with the design of the Nano-Cube. Did you make it yourself?

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your GF and her dad should go into business... i want one of those for my nanocube....

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i am trying to find out out how much they will be for selling i have to contact him and let me know where you are from because i need to find out how we could ship it. i will get back with you

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I would really like one of those stands also. that is the nicest i have sceen

if you and gf and her dad decide to sell them please let me know also.

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i would need to know your information to ship to the uk to see if we can. whatever zip code, etc.. you need. you can either pm me or email me with that so i can look into it for you.

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sorry we can't ship to the u.k. because the unit needs to be shipped fully assembled the way it is desgined. if you have someone in the u.s. that can receive it for you then we can.

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He has come up with a price.

The stand would cost $675, this includes shippinng. The stand would look just like the one in the pictue and come shipped in a crate fully assembled. this is the only way he can do it to get it to have the craftsmanship you see in the picture. let me know if you would like to get one.

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