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Coral Vue Hydros

Hitch Hiker


This is Hitch the hitch hiking sunrise dottyback that was a stowaway in my live rock that I recently bought. ( I liked him and paid for him....1/2 price too!)

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Oh, my bad...I was kind of general with that. He hitched a ride in the live rock from the lfs, but, he was in the styrofoam box with all my other rock for 2 hours. I am assuming he stayed in the big 8 lb rock the whole time. Not until i put the rock in the tank and waited a while did i finally notice that I had a visitor.

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i recently bought a piece of bogwood. i warned the guy at my lfs that there was a catfish in the bogwood he gave me. " nah its just an airbubble" says he. Into the tank the bogwood goes 20 minutes later! and pow! a beautiful catfish emerges from the wood!

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