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Coral Vue Hydros

20 gallon long, first nano reef tank!


20 Gallon long, first nano reef tank, koralia 1 powerhead, live rock, 1" deep aragonite, heater and small nano HOB filter (only temp). Live rock will be filtration, adding another powerhead soon.

Comments and suggestions welcome on stocking tank! Week 4.

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Stacking this stuff was not easy. I think it still needs work. Anyone got any rock stacking tips?

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wow. i really like the rock work! 2 black clowns would look sick in there! ( it would be me to say somthing about clowns! )

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nice start, 2 weeks or so and you will see the Diatom bloom. It will be ugly but thats what is supposed to happen.

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let it cycle for at least a month before adding anything live. maybe some hermits at week two.

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This is week 4. Hermits and a few snails going in next week. I am not looking forward to the diatom bloom. Whats the best way to manage that? Phosphate remover? And black clowns was my thought too! they will look awesome!

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You don't need anything for the diatoms really. If you want you can throw a few snails in there. It took my 4 astraa and 5 blue leg hermits less than a week to clean all my diatoms in my 29g. But most snails cherish diatoms. If you don't want to add any CuC, the diatoms will consume all of their food(silicates) and once it's depleted they will die off naturally.

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Thats what I thought, thanks! I just put 3 dwarf zebra hermit crabs in there. First editions, im pretty excited about it.

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why water soo low? Great job though on the rockwork dont worry about the diatom bloom get some chemi pure elite it has to be elite and the bloom will be barley nothing my bloom only covered like 4 rocks when you first notice the bloom turn the lights off for a full day and the bloom will go away in 3 days afterward:) get a firefish and if you want to have controll over your algae get lettuce slugs or lawnmower blennies I have to grow my algae just to keep him alive:)

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