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Innovative Marine Aquariums

New 10g - Week 2 - June 24 07


-10g Tank


-biowheel filter w/o biowheel and filter bag

-10lbs live rock (cycled for a week with only 3lbs)

-crushed coral substrate


Just added 7 more lbs of uncured live rock. Want to see what interesting creatures hitched on it so i decided to cure the rock myself, but i am patient so i dont care that it will take longer. Running lights for 10 hrs on, 14 off. Just installed moonlights leds today, interested to see how they will look tonight. This is my first saltwater tank, so suggestions would be awesome. I am completely open for ideas and can take harsh criticism without crying too much, ha ha.

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Just don't rush into anything. Take your time and always ask somebody before you do anything or add anything to your tank. Looks like it will turn out pretty nice!

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thanks yall. i have been reading about refugiums and was thinking that that was something i would like to experiment with. i have an old 5g acrylic tank and multiple old pumps, any suggestions? does anyone have a basic DIY refugium plans that they could email me?

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