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Innovative Marine Aquariums

2g pico progress updates


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thanks for all the suggestions^ :)


so, im just assuming here, i havent done any tests yet which i of course will, but since there is green hair algae on my walls and tons of very very tiny critters on the walls climbing around (more like zooming?) and all sorts of random growth everywhere, that my tank has cycled. id say its been about 2.5 to 3 weeks, which is about average. thoughts?


ill try to post some good pictures on here tonight, im borrowing a nice camera, and maybe this weekend ill get to the lfs and get a shrimp or hermit or someting and some astrea and naussarius i suppose. man theres alot of growth in there, will these guys eat it all?

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so heres a few better pics, i added the rest of my lr, just broke it up and rearranged it about 2 weeks ago, so i have about 3.5lbs of lr in the tank and about a half pound in the aquaclear

next step, cleanup crew :)





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i got some livestock in today, a peppermint shrimp, a dwarf zebra hermit

(they didnt have any blue legs in stock and he looked good) and 2 snails. also saw a small frag of red polyps i think, he didnt identify them, just told me that they were 10bucks so i took them. they havent opened up yet and theyve been in the tank for a few hours now, is that normal? the crab and snails and shrimp sem to be fine, moving around alot and so on. tips and advice?





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here it is, it opened up this morning, anyone know exactly what it is, all I know is it looks like polyps and the guy says theyll spread.




if some one knows, what supplements are best to feed them? i have nothing right now, and im assuming i need some

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btw anyone around here with a fw tank got some extra java fern they want to sell? i have a 55g fw and i have no plants because my gurami ate one and the others werent real aquarium plants (thanks petsmart) so i figured d try java fern, and petsmarts selection here is awful


anyone know what that coral i just got is?

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thanks for the ID


anyone have suggestions or opinions on whats good and safe to keep with them, moderately easy and beginner level? thanks much!

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so i still have alot of algae in the tank and the 2 snails- turbo and astrea arent really doing much about it, the hermit-dwarf zebra (wanted a blue leg but the lfs didnt have any then- blue legs any better?) isnt really doing much about it, and the peppermint shrimp isnt really doing much about it- he hangs out on the backside of the rock out of site and eats there i suppose :angry: I got you guys to clean it not be lazy! so any ideas for another tank mate to get crackin on the algae, actually most my rock except for 2 large pieces and the tank walls and sand is clean, they just dont ever go there, ever, and the stuff is growing.


i hear emerald crabs do a good job but the downside is- theyre emerald crabs-whats so bad about them? is there some sort of strange fish that can thrive in a 2g that will eat stuff?


also got some greyish pipe/tube looking things all over my sand now, will that get eaten, i have no naussarius snails since the lfs didnt carry any at the time, should i get a few?


thought: the piece of rock with the most groth on it is right under the ac20 outflow, which has some growth on the edge of it as well- clean it off? perhaps the current is too strong for anybody to be able to clean off it.


final question, i have random patches of red- not hairy, smooth like its been painted on- starting to appear on the glass, let the snails take care of it? its been there for a few days now.


so any help on cleanliness in the tank, what acreatures are good, and so on.

thanks much!


edit: the ac20 refugium has alot of growth on the rock in it. i have it filled with lr. no light on it, no creatures in it, could that have anything to do with it?

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ill just have a little discussion with me self. been told blue leggs eat algae 24/7 so i might grab one of those soon when i go get my new bulb, hear they like to rearrange things tho. i put my zebra hermit in the fuge for a night and he cleaned it out a bit which is nice, less stuff flowing in from that.


we'll see how it goes, i even hand removed a bit of the stuff this morning before work, just got so thick in places.

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btw anyone around here with a fw tank got some extra java fern they want to sell? i have a 55g fw and i have no plants because my gurami ate one and the others werent real aquarium plants (thanks petsmart) so i figured d try java fern, and petsmarts selection here is awful


anyone know what that coral i just got is?


what kind of substrate are you using?? and what kind of gear are you using to run it?? co2 generator?? plant food of any kind?? lighting also plays a role...


java fern doesnt like alot of light and will die if planted in the substrate..it does best in medium to low flow, low light......tied to a rock or perferably drift wood



go to walmart (assuming your in the US) and check the pet section carefully...


yeah i know the pet section at walmart??!!???


they sell plant bulbs....Aponogetons, tiger lillies, and some sort of sword like plant that i cant think of the name....ap??????????

anyhoo they are cheap, 2-3 bucks but you must understand that there is a "dud" factor.....the big bulbs are lillies....


i can tell you how to make super soil too if you need a cheap recipie...or you could get some florite by seachem.... good luck!

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I would try and get some scarlet reef hermits. They are the only hermits in the tank that touch any hair algae in my tank. I have 2 in a 10g. I may get a few more as they are very active.


I would get 2 naussarius vibex snails as they are good for the sand bed.


Here is the best heater for your application IMO:


25W finnex glass heater... if you can find one. I have one but it is currently in a 6.6gal tank. They are only like 4in. long and have an external control so you can hide it and not have to move stuff to get to it later on. They are also only thick as a marker.



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helps very much, thanks alot

do you think 3 hermits would be overkill in a 2g tank? i have the zebra now and i thought id try a scarlet and a blue leg and see how they all do, if it gets too crazy maybe just put the zebra back in the ac20 for awhile hes been in there for a day cleaning it a bit. thoughts?


about my fresh, i just have medium sized sand colored gravel- the petsmart stuff, but I have alot of rocks and a piece of driftwood i was going to tie it to, also looking at anubias, i like the look of it and someone told me that and the java do well together. I have pretty low lighting for a 55g just 34 watts flourescent total, those curly energy savers, and my fish and crayfish and snails ae doing fine, is that an ok amount for fern and anubias? also what is this substrate youre talking about, would it go on top of my rock bed and make it smoother and not churn up alot, im really wanting a smoother sand type bottom in the tank, got alot of crayfish and a few snails that would appreciate it. equipment wise i have the penguin 330 without the wheels, and a 250w visitherm stealth heater which is amazing. thoughts?


thanks very much for the info and help. :)

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Hi tentacles I wanted to let you know what just happend to me. I bought a new AC 20 about 9 weeks ago and it was working fine. I had to go out of town for a week. So I thought it would be ok to just it let run. When I got home I found water on the top of my stand and on my carpet. The AC 20 leaked slowly out of the seam. On the opposite side from where the pump is. On the back seam that connects the bottom of the plastic overflow box to the larger top half. No live rock or heater was ever put into the AC 20. And no modifications where made to the AC 20 so the leak happend because of a manufacturing defect. Good luck

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Tentacles I just got 4 orange marked hermits for my tank they eat Cyano and Green Hair Alage non stop. So that is something you may want to look into. Mine have been eating since I dropped them in.


I found them at my LFS for .99 each. I also have 1 Nassarius snail to keep the sand under control. I might get another down the line.


Check out my tank I just put a post in the members section it is also in my sig :)

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awesome, thanks for the info ill have to look for them, and some naus snails.


i still have this tube stuff that keeps appearing from nowhere, i dont understand- it looks like fw fish poop but its sand colored and its hard and is popping up everywhere and looking quite ugly, anyone have an idea on this? thanks

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awesome, thanks for the info ill have to look for them, and some naus snails.


i still have this tube stuff that keeps appearing from nowhere, i dont understand- it looks like fw fish poop but its sand colored and its hard and is popping up everywhere and looking quite ugly, anyone have an idea on this? thanks


I just said that yesterday.. Mine is green and maybe about 1cm ( it just showed up yesterday ) and looks like fish poop in many different spots of the tank. What is this!?! I am assuming its going to grow long stem like?

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naus snails are a must...


info on them hermits


Calcinus Diogenidae



A new Calcinus (Decapoda: Anomura: Diogenidae) from the Tropical Western Atlantic, and a comparison with other species of the genus from the region


The Orange Marked Hermit Crab is brown with bright orange banding. One claw is larger than the other. They are a very colorful addition to the marine aquarium, and they aid in eating any left over food that may settle on the substrate. This crab lives in an abandoned snail or triton shell, or it may resort to attacking and eating a snail so it can use the shell for its home.




watch your snails! dont know how agressive they are.....


also found this site, might be fun

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naus snails are a must...


info on them hermits


Calcinus Diogenidae



A new Calcinus (Decapoda: Anomura: Diogenidae) from the Tropical Western Atlantic, and a comparison with other species of the genus from the region


The Orange Marked Hermit Crab is brown with bright orange banding. One claw is larger than the other. They are a very colorful addition to the marine aquarium, and they aid in eating any left over food that may settle on the substrate. This crab lives in an abandoned snail or triton shell, or it may resort to attacking and eating a snail so it can use the shell for its home.

watch your snails! dont know how agressive they are.....


also found this site, might be fun


They should be fine with the Nas snails because they will hang out on the sand and normally have smaller shells so they wont feel the need to attack them.


What salt do you guys use in the tank and do you have to use supplements to put in the tank if so what ones?

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