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Texan's 5.5G Reef


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UPDATE: Hello everyone, sorry I haven't posted in a while. The tank is really coming along great. I am going to Sanibel Island, Florida(Unless the the tropical storm turns into a hurricane!). I am leaving the 4th and coming back on the 10th. I will be recieving alot of zoo frags once I get back. I am going to pick up my CU crew today or tomorrow. Also, I am ordering the 2-24W retrokit.




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Obsessed Reefer

Hey. I got some bad news. I know your probably on vacation but... I cant find the small 'less than half-inch' frag. It had to blow under the rocks and sand and I cant find it. I will still ship the big one... Just PM me when you get back.

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No prob. Obsessed. I will be back next week and I will PM you the day I get back.


Yeah it really nice here in Sanibel Island, Florida. Some time this week we are going to go snorkeling so hopefully I can get some good pics to show you guys.






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Obsessed Reefer

More bad news. I'm gonna have to cancel the shipment for now. The frag that I fragged for you wont open yet. So once it open's I'll ship it. Really sorry.




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Obsessed Reefer

I will. I just found the less than half inch. But I dont want to just ship that cus that was a freebie. But I'm ordering more propagation tools soon, so if this doesnt open, I'll frag you some different ones.

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Hey everyone,



Some of the coral I purchased is getting shipped tomorrow and should be here Wednesday. I have a flower anemone too. I will post some pics tomorrow of the tank.





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I am recieving about 15 frags of zoo's on Wednesday/Thursaday so I will post pics once they open.


On to the pics.





And my new flower anemone:



The flower anemone buried himself like 2.5 inches into the sand. He is starting to color up also.


Tell me what you think!


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That flower anemone is really neat! I am looking for something like that for my 6.6. The GF really wants one for the false perc. Dont know if they will work together.


I like that cave you have set up with the LR. It looks really clean!


I must have missed it but did your feather duster not make it?

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Yeah the anem is really neat. They are to keep are care for. I would like got get another.


I don't know about the feather duster. He hasn't opened all the way in a while. I found anothe one about the same size that is a amber color. I am also getting 2 more dusters with some of the zoo's I ordered.




ps-I am still looking for some zoo's. I would like some ruby reds. Just PM with what you have.

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Thanks Argent! Yeah they are really easy to care for. They barely ever move around, and they don't even need a space on the rock. They prefer to be in the sand bed.


Feeding: You don't need to feed them all the time just once in a while. If you feed Phyto or marine snow, etc. you don't even need to spot feed them. You can spot feed them with small pieces of over the counter or mysis shrimp. When you first get one it might not eat for a couple of weeks as it takes a while for them to get settled in.


Size: It depends on which kind you get. If you get a rock anem. they only get to be a 2-3in. The flower anems get a little larger at about 4-7in.




I am planning on getting another very soon. They are really neat creatures.






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yeah it does -- now that I have 4 reef tanks I need to start figuring out what to put in them and I think one of those might look good in my 6 gallon.

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I recieved my first round of zoo's! I did a FW dip and temp acclimated them but I didn't drip acclimate them. They are already starting to open up. I will post pics when they open up more.




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woo woo!


I love new corals - I'll be at a huge frag-fest this weekend and expect to be coming home with some new zoas for my tanks too!



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Yankee- did you see the FTS and anem?


The pink palys are all opened, the gray speckled are opening, unknown green ones are opening, and the RPE haven't opened up at all.


I will take a pic now of the tank since everyone wants to see! :D



A pic will posted in like 5min.





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Yankee- did you see the FTS and anem?


I did see the pix! You've done well grasshopper -


I might like to look into an anenome for my 10g, but I wouldn't know where to put it. I wish my false perc would host something. I have both xenia and frogspawn, but he's not interested in either!


BTW - 5 min is up!

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Chill! :D JK


Here are the pics. I have a very crappy camera though.





I just got my shipment from Shiva in so I will be putting them into the tank and post pics of course. :)





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LOL. I was actually thinking about that. ;)



Well I just got shivas stuff in the tank so I will post pics later.





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