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Texan's 5.5G Reef


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After reading on this site and getting alot of help from people I decide to start my own 5.5G reef tank. It finished the cycle in 10 days and it has been running for 12 days. I plan on keeping GSP, lots of zoo's, a frogspawn,rics, shrooms, and eventually sun coral. I built my own hood for the tank but have not installed the lighting yet. I am going to install a 2-24W retrokit in the hood.


I could not have done this without: Argent, doncb, and yankeereefer. Thanks guys.



And now for the FTS:






And my amazing yellow and pink hitchhiker duster:




I will be upating with pics every week on the tank progress.




ps- Sorry for the huge pics. How do you resize them?!?! Also, I need to clean the glass!

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sweet hitchiker! I really like the tank so far -- interested in watching this one progress too! Anytime you have more questions feel free to ask -- I'm not letting one tank crash get the best of me yet!

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Cool, cool- congratulations. Must be nice to finish the cycle, I'm on day 13 and my levels are going back up again. The feather duster looks to be going strong also. Are those images true color?

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Thank you everyone. I cannot wait to start adding corals. I will be ordering my

2-24W retrokit tomorrow from nanoturners.com.


YeahitsK- Yes they are true colors.


Also, how do you resize photos? I have an account with photobucket.



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The tank is looking very nice. I like that one LR in the middle that has a built in cave. Can't wait for you to stock it and have some new pics :D. As for resizing the pics...you need to use a SW like Photoshop or MS Photo editor...just resize the pic and save it.



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Hiya Texan -


Glad to see you finally got the tank started! It's coming along nicely - That HH featherduster is too cool and I love that "cave" rock in the tank center. I will be sure to follow your thread and tank's progress


As for resizing, photobucket has edit feature that lets you reduce original by XX%. XX=25%, 50% and 75% - Be careful though as it is possible to reduce too much and once it's done, it's done and cannot reenlarged (without uploading image again) - Otherwise, like bobajum stated, resize the pic and then upload.


Happy Reefing!



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Great looking tank. I envy your freebie! I have always wanted a feather duster but never wanted to spring for one. I will be following this tank for sure.

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Great looking tank. I envy your freebie! I have always wanted a feather duster but never wanted to spring for one. I will be following this tank for sure.


I just peer in to my LFS LR tanks and look for tiny bits of rubble with featherdusters on them and ask if I can have them. I scored this one the other day.



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Cool. I'm diggin' the cave rock.


BTW- Off topic, but if you're Irish and a Texan, does that mean you wear a cowboy hat and a kilt?

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i love the hitchhiker! i only wish i could have had it for a hitchhiker on my 2.5 other than 3 lil aptaisa a tiny mantis from which will be killed my my mantis when i get one muahahaha! and a unidentified crab! man this sucks!!! lol well i better start sqeezin' lemons! lol

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Very cool deather duster! Those are $10 bucks at my LFS a piece! Thats 2 lbs of LR alone. Best of luck to you with the tank. It is coming along quite nicely and should look amazing once you start adding some corals. A bunch of rics would make the entire tank pop.

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:lol: Thank guys. I am glad everyone likes the tank. I got VERY lucky with the duster. They sell for 20 bucks at my LFS and they aren't even that colorful.



I tested my tank today:


Ammonia- 0

Nitrate- 0

Nitrite- 0

pH- 7.8



It has been those same levels for 3 days now so I know it is totally finished cycling. I am ordering my 2-24W retrokit from nanocustoms today so it should be here by friday.



schaadrak- LOL! No I don't wear a cowboy hat or a kilt. I am 50% Irish but I live in Texas so thats where it came from. Not everyone in Texas is a cowboy! :lol:



Yeah CBlanks- I totally agree with the ric thing. That would be awesome.



Here is my plan on placing coral. The big rock with the feather duster covered in different zoa's. The cave I was thinkin about covering it in GSP but I don't know. What do ya'll think? And I was thinking about the rock on the left all rics. Just some ideas. Give me some suggestions.



Well I am going to paint the hood today. Here is a pic of it now unpainted:





I will post pics when I get it painted.





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i think you shouldnt do that i like it if it spead apart like dont make it look ike the rics zoas and GSP are gangs

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So are you saying I should mix them together a little more?


Also, I will be painting the hood black on the outside and white on the inside.

It should be painted by 2:00 so I will post a pic then.




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thats exactly what im sayin dont g oand separate them for species. it will make you tank racial lol jp. i just like the look of mixture. but hey its you tank i think it will look good either way

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I agree. You dont want to have segrated corals. The entire thing will look too planned out and you will lose the natural feelings. Just be sure to watch your placement of the GSP next to other corals. It will spread quickly and can overtake the unsuspecting neighbors.

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LOL! Yeah I don't think that I will have them that seperated. But I really want to make the rock on the right mostly zoo's like a little zoo garden. I think that would look awesome. Where do ya'll think would be a good spot for a frogspawn? I was thinking somewhere on the right.



Suggestion and comments welcome



Also, when I was getting more LR for the tank, there was a shrimp in the LR tank. It was only 1in long. He said that I could have it. So the shrimp has been in the tank for about 5 days. I can't get a good pic but I will keep trying.



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