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baby Maxima on it's side


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I recently got a 1" Maxima clam (gold) I placed it on the sand bed mantle up; but it keeps going on its side. So i put a piece of flat rock underneath him... he still keeps goin on his side...


Is he gunna be okay? Do maximas do this alot? I'm just so worried as I've never cared for a baby clam =D


Any insights would be greaT!

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I recently got a 1" Maxima clam (gold) I placed it on the sand bed mantle up; but it keeps going on its side. So i put a piece of flat rock underneath him... he still keeps goin on his side...


Is he gunna be okay? Do maximas do this alot? I'm just so worried as I've never cared for a baby clam =D


Any insights would be greaT!



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Do you think anything is picking at it? Maybe a fish is taking on it? I had this issue with one and found it dead one day. I came home and found him with all the insides out. Im not sure if it was the stress of being on it's side or if it was my Bi-color blenny poking at it.

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Do you think anything is picking at it? Maybe a fish is taking on it? I had this issue with one and found it dead one day. I came home and found him with all the insides out. Im not sure if it was the stress of being on it's side or if it was my Bi-color blenny poking at it.


Ack... I got a bi-color too.. but he's left my Crocea alone for many many months. Interesting... I don't think so..


lights aren't important with a clam that small are they?

Lights are do not play a huge role in baby clams. Until they are around 3" they feed off of phyto.

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Cut a piece of PVC in half lengthwise. Epoxy to rock. Place said darling little clam in PVC trough, sit back, and knit some booties for the little tyke.

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The great thing about this method is that the clam's byssal threads will eventually latch onto the PVC, so you can move him around the tank without cutting threads and possibly endangering his life.


Unless it's a she; in which case, switch the pronouns and accept my apologies.

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Unless it's a she; in which case, switch the pronouns and accept my apologies.


haha man...when you call a girl a "he" on this forum by accident, godzilla returns to the ocean to cower and aliens go back to mars to develop stronger weapons :P jeremai should get ready to run! :P haha i kid

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1" maxima clam don't need light they need food, like phytoplankton. You need to feed it. The clam laying on the side does not matter for now. I had a maxima when it was 1" and it is still alive for 2 years now. You might want to spot feed your clam by placing it in a bowl of some DTs for a few minutes about twice a week.


Good luck.

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I was thinking that.. then I was also thinking of cutting the bottom off of a water bottle (like a dasani) then putting it over the clam, open the cap and inject DT's


good idea?

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that will sometimes cause it to spit everything out.

they filter feed slowly throughout the day, and still depend more on lighting. the whole filter feeding bit is true, but to what extent younger clams need it compared to older ones has never been conclusive. as of bowl feeding, its uneccessary.

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