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Coral Vue Hydros

Clams and Bristleworms


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So...what's your take on this subject? Are the common bristleworms safe with clams? I just got a derasa clam 2 days ago and put it up in the rockwork and chiseled a small piece of LR to put under it to attach to. Later that day I moved the clam to the sandbed with it attached to the small piece of LR and buried the LR to be level with the sand. The next day I fed the clam phyto and later on I saw a common bristlework under the clam where the clam's foot is. First I thought, oh no, but didnot thnk much of it. Just now I look under the clam and the bristle is gone, but so is the clams foot. There are only 2 thin strands attached to the rock from the clam which looks like what used to be the foot. Do you think the bristle did this? I always thought of bristleworms as reef safe but the d@mn thing ate my clams foot. The clam is doing good though, no change in it's behavior. If it did indeed eat its foot, will the clam grow it back? I am going to buy a bristle worm trap asap. I have so many bristles arghhhhh. Has this happened to anyone else?

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Whoops. Just checked now and the two strands look like it is just a spaghetti worm. The clams foot is now out and the bristle worm is gone. I think the clam retracted its foot when it felt the bristleworm. Do you think the bristleworm tried to eat its foot? I fed the clam phyto yesterday before then put the clam back in the sand, then a few minutes later I saw the bristle under the clam where the foot is. Anyone?

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The only time those bristle worms will be feeding on the clam is when it'd dead, or near dead.


I sure hope so. Thanks for your input.

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