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Materials needed to make a fuge


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I dont know what pump in specific...as I havent ever tested the max flow on mine...but I imagine the overflow, from what I've seen, could tolerate 300gph. So any pump that will do up to that at the amount head you have indicated...I run around 200 gph through mine. The capacity can be increased however by making the depth of the origional intake deeper...like 10" (the distance between points 1 & 2). This will allow you to make point 3 lower, yet above point 2, overall making the maximum flow of the overflow greater without having to use larger pipe. I will post a diagram if you need.

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No diagram needed, I understand what you are saying. But 200gph for a 10 gallon should be more than enough flow. One more question, on your tank, do you have an power heads or are you just using the return line as the water movement? What type of return into the tank is it? You have been very very helpful and have given me what I think is the best choice of design, thanks for taking all the time to help me understand.

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ok. busted, I actually dont use the overflow on a reef tank...it's on small cichlid tank with a wet-dry sump..then again I never said I used it on a reef tank. The irony is that I have my tanks or their pump up fuges drilled, but I dont want to sound like I dont encourage doing otherwise. On a reef tank I would use more flow. Anything above 7 gallons should use another pump, maybe two. On my ten I use the pump in fuge that drains back into the tank. It goes about 200gph, but i also have 2 120gph powerheads running for more flow.

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You can use one of the maxijets 600 or 1200 for your return if you want to save some $$$. I use a 1200 on my tank which is about 36" head.


If you want to spend a little more, you could also use a Mag3 or 5.



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Would you want to get a pump for the intake and return both? I am setting one of these up this weekend, and am a little confused on how to position pumps etc makes me wish I had just bought an Aquafuge all inclusive.. Any suggestions?

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