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Clams - not the pretty kinds :)


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Interesting...that site is selling nerite snails, calling them nassarius.


Must be why my LFS gave me nerite snails instead of nassarius on my last trip in.


I question whether an aquarium has enough organic particulates to keep those clams alive.

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When clams die--and they often do, unexpectedly--they pollute the tank enormously. Being the type that burrows, there's no way you'll catch these in time. I'd avoid them.

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I say you shouldnt buy them unless you put them in your fuge I read that they lower nitrates ( they are for sale at www.saltwaterfish.com also)

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Again, they do pull nitrate and dissolved organics, but if they die, and they often do, your tank is done. How about just buying a good protein skimmer?

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Yeah I have a pretty good protein skimmer.

I just thought it'd be cool to get a clam. When they're big enough, I would just cook them and eat them =)

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formerly icyuodd/icyoud2
Again, they do pull nitrate and dissolved organics, but if they die, and they often do, your tank is done. How about just buying a good protein skimmer?


really caesar. 1 clam will crash a tank? i have tonnes of clams on alot of my lr (not the pretty clams) i never knew these where a potencial disaster waiting to happen.


i'm surprised removing clams from your lr before adding to the tank, isnt a more commonly practiced habbit, if thats the case.

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A two-inch-long butter clam died in my octopus's 35-gallon skimmerless tank, and clouded it white, all within a day. Anyone who's had a fancy clam like a Maxima, or freshly-imported live rock, can tell you how foul they are when they die...and fast.

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yep... don't do it.


There is a similar clam that is offered up on the FW side. I've seen a few tanks crash because of them. They starve and die, every instace I have seen anyway.

Plus, yes they have stuff that is temperate on that site they say will live in a range of 35 to 90 degrees F.... and the Tegula Snails they picture look more like Nassarius OB snails than what they are calling Tegula.


eh, if it does not sound like it makes sense it is probably bs.

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a molly is a truly brackish fish meening half salt half fresh. and most any brackish fish can be put in salt. and usualy there isnt that long of a aclimation

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  • 1 month later...
you see the molly?

how the heck did they "configure" it to live in saltwater?????


Duh it's a registry setting


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  • 4 months later...

These clams they are selling are the same clams you eat. Well at least on the east coast..

I had one in my tank i got for free from my local lobster dock it lived for 3 months when it died my cleanup crew ate it in 2-3 hours. cleanup crew= big purple lobster 5-6 "and 2 coral banded shrimp 4"

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I have a green mussell in my tank...a cool hitchhiker thought was dead with a bunch of zoos covering it. I've only had it about a month but seems to love life in my tank.

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