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what is a small species of clam?


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I want to get a clam for my 4 gallon pico but all I can find are those giant

clams :angry: any one know of something smaller? oh and I'm not looking for a scallop I'm looking for an actual clam

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you can get croceas as small as 1", but it isn't recomended since they require daily phyto feeding to stay alive. plus once it gets larger than about 3" it will require mh lights. also, clams require very stable water quality, which is difficult to achieve in a 4g unless you are running a 15g+ sump under it.

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isn't the crocea apart of the giant clam family too just the smallest kind :huh: what i'm asking is if there is anything smaller than the giant vareity because if there are giant clams wouldn't there be regular sized clams? or does the giant clam family just include all marine clams? i'm confused omgomgomg

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ooohhh. so you are looking for something that stays small forever... not sure if there is one... at least not one that can be kept in a marine aquarium

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ooohhh. so you are looking for something that stays small forever...


exactly, I just figured if there are giant ones why wouldn't there be small ones, or at least normal sized ones?

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The crocea stays the smallest at 6 inches I believe but the crocea is a harder species to keep...I have 3 baby croceas and havent had any problems with them at all...I feed them phyto whenever I remember like every 2-4 days

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The crocea stays the smallest at 6 inches I believe but the crocea is a harder species to keep...I have 3 baby croceas and havent had any problems with them at all...I feed them phyto whenever I remember like every 2-4 days


that's cool, how much did you give for them? on liveaquaria the're like 40 something and they were on sale, and how fast are they growing?

BTW, who is captain spaulding fella? I've seen a bunch of people with avatars of him :huh:

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i think the closest thing you'll find is a Flame Scallop... there are plenty of other smaller bivalves out there, but they dont make it into the hobby at all [unless you do freshwater :) ...] .... remember to feed phytoplankton

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