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NC6 and a 1.5" Deresa


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I picked up a 1.5" Deresa Clam for my 54watt PC 6 gallon NC that I placed on the sandbed. I plan on doing weekly 1gallon water changes (reef crystals) and two drops of DT's Phyto every other day. Lighting schedule is 12hours actinic 10 hours daylight.


Does any of this throw up any flags?




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not really, but only 2 drops of DT's.. thats not that much, also nice set-up!!! i have never seen a 54w 6g NC... post pics!!!



I didn't want to foul the tank since it was so small. The bottle states 1 drop per 10 gallons daily for the first week and then you can up it after that.


It's a Nanotuners Custom hood. I just took some pics and my sd card reader is at work so I will try to post them tomorrow. Its actually quite funny my Pavona and Orange Zoos are on the left side, Clam is the middle front and Aiptisia flowing on the Right side (Rock came from my predator tank that is infested). I dropped a Peppermint in there but so far he hasn't gone hunting. I will probably have to turn off the pump and get out the Joes Juice.

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What does your sig say?


Now, how long has the tank been up? Calcium and alkalinity stable? That's the key.

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Not with stock lighting--Crocea clams NEED MH lighting, or at the very least (with experimentation by someone with experience), a LOT of light, regardless.

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Not with stock lighting--Crocea clams NEED MH lighting, or at the very least (with experimentation by someone with experience), a LOT of light, regardless.


I have 70w MH

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i think you need to feed the claim directly due to it size by putting some thing over it so the claim would have the maxium time to take in the dt.

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Thanks Ceaser I will update both my Signature and Test kits. I have been so use to doing regular (Nanos get weekly, Reefs get BI-Weekly, Fowlr get one every 3-4 weeks) water changes over the years with the same water and mix (I make about 30 gallons of water a week with reef crystals and RO/DI water sigh) that I really only test when something wierd happens (something dies) or during cycleing but I have never had a system wipe out (knock on wood) and I do not dose (course that will probably change with this clam).


I started a topic for the tank over in the Cubes section that includes pics and stats.


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