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I need to know which is easier to keep in your opion the

Squamosa or the Dersa

This is for a 24g cube I know I know they have PCs! but I want to give it a try I have proper water lvls or cal. and iodine and my next store neighbor has a 220 with 20k MHs and T5 if it starting to die. My LFS will buy it from me too if it doesnt work out I have just always loved clams.


If its a 100 percent dont even try ok I wont just wondering. I saw in a web page that these need the least light.

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You know what, Derasas and Squamosa clams will do just fine under PC lighting depending on the depth of the tank, type of bulb, and strength of light. They come from deeper waters.

They don't actually appreciate too intense lighting. You shouldn't put them higher up on the rock work, they like to be on the substrate.

Derasa is going to be easiest, and next squamosa. Remember that these clams grow to be huge and at least 1' long. Feed them regularly if they're under 3-3.5 inches.

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Feeding why only when there small?

Lights are the stock that come with the AquaPod

Substrate I have some room to fit them in with my corals


Why is Derasa easier than Squamosa?

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I wouldnt put a clam with stock aquapod lighting. Its might be ok for a while but i believe after a little while the clam will die. Also, whats the point of keepin an animal for a little if ur just going to give it away when its dying?

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Im not going to give it away my LFS said that they will let me try it in my tank If this doesnt work out I have a place to take it to get more light on it instantly it will not die in my tank. Its just a thought.

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mushroom head

The reason why you should only feed the small clams is because they dont have a big enough mantle to just feed off of the light,so you have to feed them.

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Dont get a clam with the intention of giving it away if things go bad.


First of all, in that tank with that lighting they most certainly WILL go bad.


Why would you want to try something dumb like buying a delicate animal "just to see".



And they do need the least light...but those weak PCs are "too" least.

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even though deresa and squamosa need less intense lighting than other clams, its still more than most reef animals. just because its from deeper water than their species counterparts doesnt mean they are "deep water".


if you havent read Knop's Clam book, do so and then think about keeping a clam.

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Ok i guess keeping one of these clams is a total NO i sry just a thought.

The reson why I said if things head south I can bring him back to his former home. I do love clam but I cant get a MH yet cause I not $ rich.

I do love clams though too bad I cant have one ......... My next tank ( a LONG TIME way) Im think I'm going to have a MH onand have SPS and clams in that one with a fish or 2 of course o well just a Question

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Eric Lundgren

I know people who are keeping clams in their 24G Nano with stock lighting just fine. Why is everyone so quick to crucfiy someone here when clearly this is not a black and white issue.

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Koden i havent really done any research exepct asking you guys I just didnt know if it was even try able.


To eric sry buddy but Im going with the 6 people with the years of experiance not the 1 dude with 90 post and 1 month under there belt

KODEN PROPRATOR SIX J86 SNOOP i all trust very much and they have all helped me in the past thax guys

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well i'm not too sure that the number of posts and months relates directly to somebody's knowledge. Good to hear that you made a decision. I don't know how much lighting is over your tank, but for example, 130W of quality PC over a 20R tank (13" high) is solid enough for a derasa or squamosa. Of course, MH would be better!


I just googled it and now I totally agree that that is impossible to keep a clam under! 2x36 over 19.7"... eeek.

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yeah, we were definately basing our decisions on what his wattage and tank dimensions, rather than saying no PC watt combo will suffice for clams =)



reffer9391: there are fairly cheap metal halide options out there. not saying I know what your budget is, nor claiming that what is cheap in one's eyes is cheap in another, but you might do some shopping around just to get an idea of what's out there. Don't need the brightest and most sophisticated, but even the lower end ones are better than the PC lighting for any coral. There are retrofit kits that are just over $100. Look into those by LampDr. (illuming.com). THey're great, and just over $100 for 70watt hqi retrofit.

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LOL ya about every dime I got has went to this tank I dont have 100 dollars to buy this I'm good on comps by the way I have shoped around. I got a car to buy in a year or 2 thats what I need to save for sry man.

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I would not put a clam under such conditions. And Im not talking parameters. FWIW, clams are bulletproof when it comes to water parameters. They absorb a good deal of waste, phosphates, etc. As long as you have gobs of light for them, they could care less about water quality. But they suck up calcium fast. You will have to dose, and even at that, you might find your alkalinity dropping on a daily basis considering how fast even one deresa grows.

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