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new pics of 20g reef


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Don't ya just hate it when that happens. I've been discouraged and kinda neglected my reef for like 2 weeks after I lost like 5 of my mini SPS colonies due to a fan malfunction and a high temperature spike. Haha, now I think i'm hooked on SPS again. Time to get some more . . . if i can get the moola :D


Sh1t happens . . .

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i am loosing my pink milli and a yellow/pink milli...no idea why. they just started sloughing tissue. salinity is fine, alk is great, chaged 5gal of water added new carbon...hope the little tissue that is left makes it. they were doing great encrusting. now they have red bugs on them AFTER they got sick so i think the whole opportunistic theory is right on those little bastages.


which someplace by me had some good acros to buy...i would get one :(



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calv & nanoreefer..


aquarium concepts is once again stocking many, many, many sps...

thanks to me..i got the owner to change the crappy looking anemone tank..to a SPS tank...

come check it out..you might like it..


cheap prices too, compared to every other bay area LFS

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Originally posted by Lunchbucket

umm, NOPE SORRY :P  nothing else looks bad :D and i don't believe in TOO much LIGHT




Yeah I seen that! B)

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aquarium concepts is once again stocking many, many, many sps...

thanks to me..i got the owner to change the crappy looking anemone tank..to a SPS tank...

exxxcelllent (mr.burns style)


now time to scrape up some dough. fwak, and i just spent $300 on a new autococker paintball gun, and that's after selling my old one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fantastic looking display cal3v. You mentioned that it is about a year old - any nightmare scenarios or heartbreaks in that year? (If you say that all went smoothly I am sure you will admired and despised)

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haha I wish it was always good going. I guarantee anybody out there always has had problems in the past, if not to personal error but to mechanical errors that aren't the person's fault. Ok lets see here, put in a talbot's damsel that messed with the sand, so I tore the tank down to get him. Also one time I lost a clam and bartlett's anthias due to overflow of kalk water. Recently I had a cyano and algae problem, as well as way too low salinity. I lost quite a few corals. But now that things are squared off again after the addition of new snails and water changes, everything is doing well again.

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Just keep on growing. It's obvious you know exactly what you are doing. Aside from completely uncontrollable problems, you've succeeded admirably. Great work.


I only hope my tank looks this dramatic in a year.



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Oh well what happened was that I had a big algae outbreak from dead snails and thus die-off in the water, and this was all due to a minute drip on the new refugium I put, it had a crack I didn't notice near the top. Thus when I checked the salinity it was way too low and thats probably why the snails died and so now that I fixed the crack and have added more snails and took the dead shells out things are doing good. I now keep my hydrometer in my fuge so I can see the salinity at all times with a quick glance just in case something like that happens again. I am going to get some new sps though, probably blue aculeus, pulchra, and maybe a soli frag, but even though they are rare they aren't too nice looking, and for a colony to grow out to show the nice growth form I might not have room in a small tank. Other corals I am looking into are the pink/green rosaria and solid purple cap.

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Added a purple/orange Hawaiian feather duster, pink/green hammer, and some green star polyps and an encrusting species of green pavona. Also, I few weeks ago I had to frag the neon yellow capnella since it was rotting from the inside out, all frags are now doing well.

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Purple tip A. nana showing good growth, A. loripes is the light purple acro to the left and front of it for any of those wondering:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a current pic of the tank now. I have the refugium overflow so I took that off and moved the tank to a different location in the house.

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