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Top Shelf Aquatics

Some new stuff, so 8 week update.


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The orangish tree coral-looking guy in the lower left hand corner of the tank...is that a carnation coral of sorts? I think they're called schleronephthya or dendronephthya, in the family Nephtheidae.


Anyway, I have a coral of similar size and coloration sold to me as a shleronephthya. It's been doing ok, but not thriving. I was curious if you did any particular feedings, care etc. As far as I know, they're predatory (thus non-photosynthetic). If anyone knows better, please correct me.


Oh, and nice tank, yo.

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What I have is a Dendronephtea sp. (at least that is what I think, LFS had no idea) and yes, it is similar to Scleronephtea. It is a non-photosynthetic filter feeder as you thought. Mine has been doing fine with the DT's I have been dosing for the other guys (I would guess). It has grown slightly, as have the little ones around it so I would assume that they are taking in food from the water column. They are tricky corals and not the easiest to keep I might add. If mine doesn't make it for the long haul, I won't feel too bad about it, they are difficult. Good luck with yours.


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Liquid, very, very nice tank. Your tank is definitely what I invisioned when I began my nano.


I too am interested in the Dendronephtea sp. and am curious as to how often you dose DT's and what else you find difficult about this guy. I love that bright orange/red color

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I put 4 drops DT's in (8 for 5 gallon or 16 for 10 gallon) 3 times a week (Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday with a water changes on Sunday). I feed my clam extra on Sunday in the water change cup. As is, it is not fouling up the water at all so I may try 5 drops at a time next week. The hard part I feel is not knowing if it is OK or not. Photosynthetics are easy, light on, polyps should come out and they should expand or grow. This guy can keep his polyps in all day and open them after the lights go out, so all day your thinking "is it OK?". Good luck if you get one, or wait and see how it goes in this little tank. Hey, if it makes it in this little glass of water, it could probably make it anywhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by ElectroTT

is that blastamosa or somethin?...nice tank BTW


I got one of those on hold at a LFS. It's spelt Blasstomussa:)


Edit: Nice nano. I wish my aquascaping is as good as the rest of you people :*(

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As far as the glass goes, since I don't have much room, I am using the "Twister" magnetic scraper from Aquarium Systems Inc.. It is less then a half inch thick so I can get around and between most rocks and has a cool kind of velcro (the hard hooked side) on it for scraping which if you catch coraline fast enough, it scrapes off easily. I'm just a clean glass nut and constantly am wipeing it down. I just recently (last week) got the twister and was using a mag float and then manual razor scraping to keep it clean. I really do like the twister and it is like less then half the price of the mag float, plus I haven't had to use the razor since I got it.


The sand just stays clean. The detritis blows off the front to the back but sometimes some little pieces of rock get on it that I just shovel to the rear of the reef.

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