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Innovative Marine Aquariums

just got a aiptasia eating nudi.


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Phosphorus 500 mg 50%

Sodium 380 mg 16%

Potassium 60 mg 2%


INGREDIENTS:Sodium Monobasic Phosphate, Sodium

Dibasic Phosphate, Potassium Monobasic Phosphate, Maltodextrin, Microcrystalline Cellulose, TriCalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Sterate.


so what is best?

Sodium Monobasic Phosphate

Sodium Dibasic Phosphate

Potassium Monobasic Phosphate

TriCalcium Phosphate


somthing tells me I could just dose "TriCalcium Phosphate" where do I get it thought?

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Well lets see.. aiptasia seems to love everything we hate in the tank (Phosphates and the such)... do we know what pH it would thrive under? Maybe a high pH would make it do better...

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I'd just set up a separate tank with lots of small/medium sized rocks. Then pretend you don't want aiptasia and they'll miraculously appear :P Seriously, just put a bunch smallish rock in a tank and let them spread on to those and then you can just add rocks as needed to the berghias. Maybe to make them reproduce you could cut off the Aiptasias heads. The stalk will grow a new head and the head will settle and grow a new stalk. Two for the price of one! The berghias need to be fed constantly because they starve really fast. I've noticed that they go from a greyish white color when eating to a stark white color when starving. Can you believe we're having a discussion about how to get more Aiptasia??!!

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yeah it is kinda funny we are talking about creating optimal conditions for breeding aptasia.



Ok, I think I got it. i don't need a fuge, just an emptly power filter FILLED with aptasia. if the supply ever gets low I can just snip one off and it will fal into the tank and will regrow. as far as phophates go I can just try to find some tap water that is hi in phosphates. I could try to find out what cheap foods are VERY high in phosphates.



What will the nudis release if they die?

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IME, if you want a thriving aiptasia farm, just try killing them.


Hack them into little pieces, try scraping them off of your LR. They magically reappear and reproduce.



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I don't know if they release anything when they die. But I know they are extremely hardy if well fed. If you're planning on breeding them, I wouldn't keep them in your main tank. That way if they do die and release something they'll just kill themselves and all of the aiptasia you introduce won't sting anything.

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they are going to be in a special tank just for them. I feel I can make a lot of money if their is only one other place that sells them. I'd be happy to sell them to local fish stores and others in the industry for a fair price. It would be easier than tryying to sell it to individual hobbiests. It wouldn't be hard to trade them for frags either. I just bought a 20 extra tall with a power filter the other day for 20 dollars so I may use thatand set it up near a window once it is dominated by aptasia.

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