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Best First Clam?


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I saw the other "Clams In Nanos" post out here but figured I'd start my own thread for my more specific question.


Basically... I have a 28 gallon bow-front tank with one 55 watt 10,000K PC and one 55 watt "blue" PC. What would you say the best clam to start with would be?

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I'm with Dave, although even the Derasa could benefit from MH in my humble opinion....


Do a google search, Tridacna derasa, I like the green/yellow, I think it looks very elegant.

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The Squamosa & Deresa are the easiest to keep. The only issue is that they do grow fairly quickly. The maximas are more demanding but don't grow as fast. Just be ready to have move a Squamosa or Deresa in a couple of years when it gets too big.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a tiger derasa in the very same tank with the very same lighting setup. Had great success with him for about three months and then it all came to a crashing halt. I still don't know what the hell I did wrong, but that clam met a horrible end. I felt horrible, and my wife (girlfriend at the time) wasn't too happy with me either.


I did a little research and I've decided that maybe it might have been snails. Apparently there are snails that feed off of these things and they'll tear through one pretty quickly. They say that if you're going to keep a clam, you'd best think about adding a six lined wrasse to safeguard him from the nasty little bastards that eat clams.


Crak, that line about the bearded clam was truly priceless...:D

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I am going to try a T. Squamosa first in my 28bow. Most people tend to like the more colorful species more but I think that squams can be just as beautiful if you spend time finding a pattern that you enjoy. I do have 225w of VHO though so I am sure I will be upgrading to at least a derasa at some point.


I would also like to suggest a sixline if that is a possibility. Or you can just trust your dealer.


Whatever you do just be sure to upgrade that webpage so we can all enjoy pics.

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The Squamosa & Deresa would be your best bet. You have a good amount of light which is helpfull, but the spectrum is geared to deeper water species, a maxima would not be that happy. The way I see it is this, if they typically are within the first ten feet of water and are used to the average 5,000k color temp of that depth, then they will do well under enough of the proper temp light at home. If you keep them under a color bulb that has a spectrum geared towards deeper water depths, they will not be as happy. This is just my crazy opinion but has done OK by me thus far. More or less, match what they are used to. The Squamosa's and Deresa's are typically found deeper and would thrive in the conditions you have. Just my 2 cents, good luck.

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I'd say Squamosa. Even though the Derasa is also a fairly tough one, it, like the Gigas, doesnt do well with salinity changes..these tend to occur very quickly in a small system like a nano. This could cause alot of stress to the clam.

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