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Artarmon's all-in-one custom nano!


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I love my Onyx pair! So much personality, I can follow at their adventures all day! :D


Here's a few shots that I dug up when they were hosting in my GSP.



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The T5s continue to impress, and I have to say that pretty much all my corals seems to be thriving now! Here are some updates...


Tub's Birdnest: October 3rd...


And here it is on October 22nd...



GARF Purple Bonsai, September 25th...


October 22nd shows better coloring (skeleton turning purple!), more encrusting of the base and upward growth...



Here's the Leng Sye monti taken on October 9th (T5s were installed late September, and I took this shot because the Leng Sye didn't look like it was improving like the other corals)...


October 22nd sees that the number of polyps seem to have increased...


... but more importantly is starting to really color up...




Here is my "neon" green monti, when I first bought it in June 26th.


It's grown and the color is so intense now!



And to finish off, here's another (better) shot of the Crocea. Some gold streaks are starting to come out!


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Here's an interesting idea that has been working well for just over a week...


I run a Reefkeeper.

Although I primarily bought it to replace the many timers running my light cycle, it has a cool feature that monitors the water temperature to control my heater/chiller.


The thing I just started doing, was to connect my fans (that cools my hood/lighting) on the same circuit as my chiller! So basically, when the chiller kicks in (to cool the water) so does the fans (to cool the hood / air above the water).


I've found that doing so results in a faster cooling of the water and minimizes the evaporation/noise (of the hood fan being on the 12 hours that my lights are on). Together with the cooler running T5s, I am now able to keep the temperature stable between 79.8 and 80.3 throughout the whole day! The chiller/fan how kicks in 5-6 times throughout the day, for about 5-10 minutes each time.


Like I said, putting tying the fans to the chiller seems so obvious! I've always (mentally) connected fans with lighting, but after I did it (and tested it over the course of the week to make sure it really works), it was so simple I'm surprised no one seems to have brought this up before!


Of course, if you don't have a Reefkeeper (or equivalent controller) this will not be relevant to you :D But for others that do, it's something to think about...

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I decided my Lineatus Wrasse was too big for the tank, and after a titanic struggle to capture him, finally got him out and into a friend's tank. I missed him for the first few days, and then decided I should do something to get my mind off him. So I got myself a Helfrich firefish :lol:


He's small (maybe 1.5 inches long) and had a rough introduction to my tank (my Onyx chased him all over the place). He's found a nice hide-out now (and the Onyx no longer seem interested in the newcomer) so I imagine he'll be more open in another week or so. Here he is in his hideout...



I used to have another Helfrich ages ago (that one went MIA and was never found :tears: ), so this is what a Helfrich looks like for thsoe who don't know...


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While looking at the tank this week, I also noticed a new inhabitant!

I didn't buy it, so it must be a hitchhiker that has finally made an appearance (the tank is now 4 months old, so it goes to show you never know what comes with the rocks!).


Here's a zoomed in picture of the Longspine Urchin...



At barely 2 inches across (spine-tip to spine-tip), it looks like a baby!



Another gratuitous update photo of the GARF Bonsai.



Coloring up incredibly (skeleton is solid purple now, and the polyps are a strong flourescent green) and (perhaps more importantly) growing fast!


Within a span of one week, this frag is now immovable!

The tip of the left frag is now attached to the larger rock it is touching, so the rubble I mounted it on is now solidly attached.


I'm sure I could break it off, but I'm impressed at:

  1. How fast it can grow and encrust
  2. Never knew the top of frags could encrust and form a new "base"

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Coralline has spread to my rear overflow/skimmer chamber :(


Interestingly, I can coralline-free (fingers crossed) in my filtration/return chamber.


Haven't posted a FTS in awhile...


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Hey nice tank u have, by the way i noticed that your skimmer is a little too wet, u might want to tune it a little dryer :D

Having an acrylic tank, how do u clean off the coralline algae? lol when u scrape it, the plastic gets scratch :huh:

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Hey nice tank u have, by the way i noticed that your skimmer is a little too wet, u might want to tune it a little dryer :D


I've got a variable control on the air-flow into the venturi, so it's tuneable.

But I run it wet because I prefer to overskim and get rid of all that crap in the water :D


Having an acrylic tank, how do u clean off the coralline algae? lol when u scrape it, the plastic gets scratch :huh:


I have an acrylic-safe scraper.

It's made of hard plastic, and works really well.


I also use C Jerome's SuperNimble.

A quick wipe every day keeps the coralline off the front and sides.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a little over 2 weeks, my Helfrich is swimming more openly.



He now stays in the open when I walk up to the tank.

Although he still ducks around when the Onyx approach (even though they ignore him).

But as soon as I lift my hood to feed the tank, he hides.


So, in the 2-3 weeks I've had him, I haven't actually fed him yet!

I've tried cyclopeeze and garlic, neither has been able to entice him out to feed.

He doesn't look too malnourished, so I presume/hope pods are sustaining him.

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I picked up some new frags :P


Tri-color Acropora



Blue Acropora Loripes (although right now, it's not too blue looking :huh: )



Red Millepora with blue polyps (next to Tigah's rainbow acan)



Montipora Digitata, tan with blue polyps (my personal favorite in the tank right now)



Glowing pink/red Montipora Capricornus and purple Monitopora Capricornus, pictured alongside with my neon green cap and bonsai



Here's a FTS...


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  • 2 weeks later...

The frags continue to grow great under the T5s.


A month ago, I posted a pic of the Tubs Birdsnest with the new growth circled in red...



This is the same frag today...




Similarly, my Bonsai a month ago...



The coloration is slightly different because of the orange/pink monti, but the new growth is obvious...




Because of the SPS and their growth, my Calcium levels have really taken a hit.


I'm using Catalina Natural Salt Water, so the Calcium levels weren't super-high to begin with (~400ppm). I don't normally test Calcium, but decided to a few weeks ago after the frag growth seemed to have stalled. The test came back with Calcium in the 270-300ppm range! :o


With the SPS and the Crocea, I've started to dose B-ionic 2-part (10ml every 2-3 days, but will slow down once I get the Ca back up to 400+ ppm) and test Calcium more regularly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have got a few ideas for my new custom set up from this tank and thread....thanks. Artarman - any pics of the T5 set up and how you ran the wires? I have the same ballasts on my Tek T5's and was wondering how you wired everything up and where you put the ballasts after you were completed. Additionally I know the first page looks at the euro bracing, but how does it attach to the tank? Thanks......

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You polyp extension looks really nice, I think that you MH was too close originally, also what was the kelvin of the bulb you were using?


Originally, 15k XM 150W MH. I agree, the MH was too close. Too much power & too much heat for such a shallow tank.


BTW, the polyp extension has been with me ever since I started using Catalina Natural Salt Water.

Huge fan of Catalina thumbsup.gif


If you ever have enough bonsai to frag, let me know, I have some red bonsai up for trade.





I've been away on business for nearly 2 weeks.

When I came back yesterday, something didn't quite look right because my SPS colors were abit off (the pink monti was more orange, others were browning).


A quick check showed ammonia, nitrite and nitrates all at zero.

Lower calcium (as expected in 2 weeks).

But significantly lower pH (7.4 vs 8.4 for my Catalina NSW).


I need to do abit of research (what's caused the pH drop) and then remedy.

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any pics of the T5 set up and how you ran the wires?


The T5s fit nicely inside the hood, with just enough space to run the wires down the side, out the bottom/back.





I have the same ballasts on my Tek T5's and was wondering how you wired everything up and where you put the ballasts after you were completed.


Actually my ballasts just sit on the table right now.

They come with "mounting" brackets and I was going to attach it to the wall (to get it off the table), but I haven't gotten around to it -_-




Additionally I know the first page looks at the euro bracing, but how does it attach to the tank? Thanks......


Yup, it has euro bracing, because I was afraid that the original lighting (center-positioned MH) might melt a center brace.


It is "welded" on the top, just like how the rest of the tank's acrylic is joined.



Here's a shot of the top...


I have a piece of Lexan that I place on top (to stop splashing/salt creep onto my lights)...



I don't worry about the oxygen exchange, because of the skimmer and uncovered rear chambers.

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I visited Supernip's LFS, and picked up some really nice additions!


When I saw the orange/purple/green yuma, I knew I had to have it!



'Nip also hooked me up with a frag of the super-blue mille.


From thismother colony:



And this brown thing, which I forgot what the name was :huh:



Oh and now the brightest piece in my tank... it's so yellow it's pretty much glowing B)



I noticed it comes with a hitchhiker, but I haven't been able to get a better look...


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  • 2 weeks later...


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