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Innovative Marine Aquariums

24G Nano Cube DX Startup, Setup, Manual for newbies, in the works


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I dig the Hydor Flo (thank you SH) but I don't like the mist and overspray that ends up covering my light splashguard, weakening the spectrum. So I clean it everyday....I am working on a solution.

I love the wave action though....

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SH you are the man as I have complimented you in the same fashion before. Anyways you don't have to dremmel a hole here is what I did. I took the nozle of the 3rd chamber, I put a 3/4" to 1/2" Y splitter (perfect fit) with 6" of LOCLINE to the front with a 2" nozzle, to the left of the splitter 6" of LOCLINE with a 1/2" round nozzle. On the back inside chamber 3 my plan is to take the tubing cut it in 1/2 put a Y splitter plug to the MJ 1200 on chamber 3 then I will run tubing from chamber 1 over chamber 2 to chamber 3 and plug it to the other open port of the Y spliter inside chamber 3. The second portion of the mod is still in the drawing board awaiting comments from the GURUS of N-R. Here is the picture so far... Just my toughts...



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Reefluva...if you do the bulkheadless overflow like I did earlier on this thread, you can lower the level of the HF if you don't want to dremel/drill. You can shave off the ring then if you want it to lay closer to the wall and look less obtrusive.


To rsaavedra....WTG...very impressive and creative thinking. DIY's are always a good project. My only critique...can you saw off some locline to shorten the outflow tract?


Impulse buy today....added a Hawaiian Feather duster:





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If I understand you correctly you don't have to saw anything off, you can separate the extras pieces or buy a close end for the return, I think I answered you but if I haven't would you mind explaining it a little better.

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Hey SH,


In this picture, the blue circle part, is the inside of the bulkhead a slip fitting? Does the loc-line fit perfectly in there?



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Noted..but..looks just like the fitting on my 'bulkheadless'. You can get it for pennies at Home Depot where the sprinkler fittings are. SH

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Originally posted by steelhealr

Noted..but..looks just like the fitting on my 'bulkheadless'. You can get it for pennies at Home Depot where the sprinkler fittings are. SH


Lucky you. I can't seem to find those at my HD. They have to be slip one side though...

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Hey, everyone! I just wanted to add to all the rave reviews of this thread! My husband and I got a 24G NC, and it has been up and running for a little over a week and a half. So far, so good. We have LR (used cured), LS, a green damsel and a camel shrimp. I added several snails and three emerald crabs today. We are having a lot of brown algea, hair and otherwise; hopefully the snails and crabs I added today will help. We are also working on some of the mods recommended here.


This is our second try with a SW tank, as our first was not very successful (not a NC....58G, reef ready from LFS). I hope we can add to the experience and info that has helped us get started here. Thanks to all who have contributed, especially SH. You really do rock!

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Bravocms....wow....thanks.....I rock???? Feels good. I probably overstated this line, but, again...I'm a pretty laid back person. I started this thread since, like probably many here, I opened up my NC and looked at the directions and said, "Is this it????".


Most of my beginning thread was summation of commonly used approaches for setting up the cube. We all see the 'why don't you search it out' reply, so, well, I did most of the footwork, but, you still have to search out this thread. Trust me...I'm still searching out other peoples' threads here (still learning just like everyone else). I also follow others who have posted here and then started their own threads with tank pix.


I haven't made much comment about some people's threads, but, some of the threads here that I found to be outstanding or breakthru threads are:

1) Doriftu's invention of the cassette surface skimmer

2) Bobioden's Fromia thread

3) If you want to cry, just sift thru any of Tighaboys, Uchihas or Barbara Hatten's project threads. Just gorgeous

4) Incredible tank mods by Chris at Nanocustoms


Among many others. Anyway, thanks again for some great support here. I think YOU all rock (dudes). LOL. Feel free to post or PM...we'll help get everyone up and running as best as possible. SH

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Bravocms....wow....thanks.....I rock???? Feels good. I probably overstated this line, but, again...I'm a pretty laid back person. I started this thread since, like probably many here, I opened up my NC and looked at the directions and said, "Is this it????".


Most of my beginning thread was summation of commonly used approaches for setting up the cube. We all see the 'why don't you search it out' reply, so, well, I did most of the footwork, but, you still have to search out this thread. Trust me...I'm still searching out other peoples' threads here (still learning just like everyone else). I also follow others who have posted here and then started their own threads with tank pix.


I haven't made much comment about some people's threads, but, some of the threads here that I found to be outstanding or breakthru threads are:

1) Doriftu's invention of the cassette surface skimmer

2) Bobioden's Fromia thread

3) If you want to cry, just sift thru any of Tighaboys, Uchihas or Barbara Hatten's project threads. Just gorgeous

4) Incredible tank mods by Chris at Nanocustoms


Among many others. Anyway, thanks again for some great support here. I think YOU all rock (dudes). LOL. Feel free to post or PM...we'll help get everyone up and running as best as possible. SH

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Thanks for your response, SH. Things are still going well. Everything at 0 and all livestock doing fine. The only problem we have right now is lots and lots of brown algae. I read that this is a sign of a healthy tank. The only drawback is that it isn't pretty to look at. We're going to cut back on the lighting to see if that helps our clean-up crew get it under control.


We did use the cassette tape idea...that is clever! We also used a stronger pump, per your suggestion. We are going to add some LR rubble to the middle chamber to begin a refugium. We have gotten so much info from your thread that I just felt like I should add to it a little bit...didn't want to take all the info and not give anything back!


Have you transferred to your new tank yet? If so, I hope that is going well. If we do run into problems or come up with something new, I'll let you know. Thanks, again, for the help!



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Bravo...thanks. Whether or not you turn the back chamber into a refugium or not, the extra LR will help.


Diatoms are totally normal in the beginning...don't worry. I was scraping them almost every other day. I've gone 2 weeks now without scraping. Besides, they provide food for the cleanup crew. You can also try scraping them off just before your water change...stop the pumps...they will stay suspended and you can decrease the load as you siphon them off in the water.


As for my tank..no...I have not done the transfer yet. I haven't had time to call JBJ, but, the new tank has 'defects' in them that make me concerned. Actually, the hairline crack on the upper part of my tank has been stable, but, the new one as a 4-5cm glass 'defect' in the bottom lower area that has me concerned for a larger structural failure. I've emailed JBJ and asked them to hold off billing me (they required that I send back the hood on the old tank or they would bill me for the hood). SH

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Hey SH,


Any word on your tank yet? I had to look for this post. Usually it's on the first page :) My tank is doing alright, my Xenia looks like crap right now, but it's tough to keep the temps low with this summer heat. Everything else looks good though. My zoos look healthy, GSP is growing, and my mushroom is doing well. I just got a ricordia and yellow ployp. However, one of my small zoo frags seemed to turn dark and die. What do you think was the cause?

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Xenia looks bad implies P.H. looks bad... could this be the case?


Didn't mean to but in... but I was wondering: SH, happy with JBJ's behavior so far?

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Hey Stanley,


Not butting in. Thank you for your reply. My PH has been consistent at 8.0 or so. I had it running great for at least 3 weeks until I had to change my tank due to a crack. Ever since, they've been struggling.

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To VBA....xenias, although grow like weeds, are supposed to be the 'barometer' of water quality. Is there something going on in params? or something unknown dieing? I know your flow is good, right? I'm still lucky so far....I haven't lost a coral that made it into my tank alive (don't wanna curse myself). I am pretty sure that my clingfish died. Just couldn't get it to eat. I've heard that stirring up the sand bed may do it. I'd pick up the pace with water changes. I don't want to spend your money, but, when that brain died and blew apart in my tank, I was changing every 2 days, siphoning, etc. A pain and I almost ended up downstairs on the couch. LOL.


To Stanley..since this is my own thread, whew, I'm gonna vent. First off, I am not a whiner or complainer and never want a freebie. However, if a product fails within the warranty, all customers should be protected.


I think it is fair for a company to put out a product that is manufactured with materials that allow them to make a profit, but, not at the expense of the customer if their product fails for reasons within their influence.


As I stated in the beginning of this thread, I think the attraction of the Nano Cube, at least at first site, is an attractive aquarium with nice lines and 'self contained' so that you can be 'up and running' out of the box. Most of us know by now that this aquarium falls short for people with dreams of Tigahboy tanks.


I am not an engineer, but, outside of all the 'mods' you can do to this tank, I think there are two major flaws:


First, the tanks packaging is done poorly. The ballast is scotch-taped to the bottom leaving residue on the inside of your tank and also adds a potential weight distribution problem on the glass. It is packed with peanuts on the inside..zero inner support and peanuts on top. Styrofoam is thin.


Second, I just think the glass is too thin for the way it is bent and shipped. JMO. Although there are a lot of people here with well functioning cubes, I'm not sure what kind of delayed failures we'll see, if any.


Lastly, and in response to Stanley's inquiry, I was impressed with JBJ's initial response, comments and immediate tank replacments including my own. However, if anyone read my post on the JBJ thread, I'd have my director/managers, uh, behind on the carpet if I had known that this forum wasn't being monitored and posts replied to. My replacement tank is sitting on a table in the front room, empty. I see multiple glass defects and , frankly, I don't want to do 2 tank transfers. One of the requirements that JBJ had was to give JBJ my credit card number and ship them back the old hood and ballast or they were going to charge me for it. I emailed them back requesting that they hold off until I am sure the tank is safe. I still have yet to speak directly with Mr. Yim.


In summary, I love the lines and looks of the cube; I would like to keep the tank; I think the cube is flawed from the engineering point of view; I think JBJ came in like a lion and is going out like a lamb; my tank is in limbo with a stable crack and a replacement that IMO, has a potentially worse flaw despite it not having a full thickness crack. Chris...hurry......


On a lighter note...I'm expecting a liveaquaria shipment tomorrow. SH

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Hey SH and company,


I did a water change this morning, and moved one of my xenia to the top with lower flow. Hopefully,we can get a come back for these guys. Where is the best place to buy salt for the least amount?

I think I'm going to start making my own water.

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VBA...you have to shop around. Unfortunately, most of the internet places hit you with a 'heavy'item shipping charge. Compare at the local lfs. I still think making one's own SW, despite the minor hassles, is best. RO units are very cheap on Ebay and once you get it down, depending on how much you want to store, you can do it once every 2 weeks...longer if you store a lot. I make 5 gallons at once and 2 topoff jugs and put the unit away for 2 weeks. However, many claim you can buy lfs SW for pennies on the gallon. You just have to rely on THEM for the water quality. SH

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Ok..well..taking a little risk. I can't sit here on my hands and do nothing while I figure out what to do with my tank. I added three more corals today (kept it 'cheap' if you can use that phrase in the marine world):


Blue actinodiscus (I now have three and think they are great)




Tubastrea aurea




Purple ribbon gorgonian




I took two gambles on the last two. First, is that I will have the time and patience to feed the Orange Cup Coral (it is not photosynthetic). They surprised me....I ordered the 'small' specimen and...sheesh...you can count how many heads that thing has. I'm having success feeding my other corals so I thought I was ready for this one.


The purple gorgonian I researched out and of all the gorgonians, this one is the 'most likely' to have a chance to survive in my tank. It needs high flow and good lighting. The pic is where I placed it to acclimate for now. I hope to take a crack at fragging it so I can make it smaller and get it higher to the light. It's polyps were open tonite. They look yellowish brown on a purple background. You can see them on the tip on the right branch on this pic.


Two more corals and I may just hang for now and let my tank settle in. I may add a 4th fish in the future, small. My clingfish has disappeared and I have to list him as MIA/KIA. SH

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Internet Sites


Hi..just thought I'd list a few places that I have had excellent experiences with when ordering marine supplies over the internet. The fine print....your results may vary (lol):



1)Marine Depot http://www.marinedepot.com

2)Drs. Foster and Smith http://www.drsfostersmith.com




1)Liveaquaria.com http://www.liveaquaria.com

2)Platinumreefs.com http://www.platinumreefs.com

3)Search out Old_diver on Ebay for ricordea http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZoldQ2ediver




Premiumaquatics.com http://www.premiumaquatics.com



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