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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Dragonnet Feeding

Pinrod Urkish

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I found a male mandarin eating frozen food, so I got him. :) Then built pod piles in main tank and refugium and have ordered more pods. Gonna try to get him to eat other types of foods too.



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Pinrod Urkish

Man my pods came today from http://aquaculturestore.com/swinverts.html, they were hudge (like .5" big I guess I ordered the steroid ones) and bareing eggs. I noticed that after a few were missing my mandrine was very fat and happy. I guess to her it was a smorgisborg of pods. So I would recoment that vendor again. Plus my fidler crabs were well taken by my dragon wrasse

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Mine came today too. ;) Got copepods, amphipods and mysis shrimp. Mandarin likes mysis shrimp alive, just dead and long dead. Most amphipods escaped into rocks. Gonna follow up tomorrow with frozen mysis to see if he'll eat that too. Marine cuisine seemed to work and I know frozen brine does but I prefer not to use the brine shrimp. Think giving some live and freshly dead then following up with frozen (thawed, obviously) will get him eating frozen mysis? I think so since they'd be a food fresh in memory... Man, these fish are gorgeous. I love it.



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Pinrod Urkish

Oh man they are so cool. They're like secret jewels that blend right into the rock. When most people looks at my tank for fish they see the obious clownfish and go Nemo! Yet they look over the mandarin. Oh well their loss.


I think that after college is over and I have some cash. I'll start my 55gal up as a dragonet only tank. Scooters psychadellics and and all the color veriants the splendis mandrin. Of course I would be make sre all the dragonetts were up to feeding on prepared food b4 they went into the 55gal. Oh how glorious it will be.


I know what some of you people think that I'd need a 500 gal tank to do that, but once the dragonetts get on prepared food, coepods are just a snack in between meals. IMO

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hmmm intresting. i think i may have to research more on this. seem to be more and more people are getting mandrins to eat prepared food.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My "Dream" tank would have to be a big, long tank that had a deep sandbed. Then I'd have all sorts of macro in the tank. Let it sit w/ a few cultures of pods, mysis, brine, etc. for many months. Then add a few mated pairs of mandarins. :) Yes... I'm the kind who loves looking at people's refugiums. :P

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yup my fuge sits right beside my display tank. for me i have to have both. but eah kogut i have to agree. long tanks are beautiful hence my 20l. now i wan something low nd square to make a coffe table out of! i think it wold be sweet to house a couple od diffrent species of mandarins in a tank you could look down upon them. wonder if they'd fight? ??? oh well it will be many years before i can do something like that.

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Haha. Yeah. I bet if it was big enough and you got 2 mated pairs that they'd keep to themselves. If they did fight, you could get an acrylic divider that would still allow water and stuff to pass through it... In fact... If you took a big, flat square tank... Then divided it into 4 parts... You could use acrylic strips to support any weight you put on top of it and divide the areas for different fish! :) What would be the best would be to light them from inside the water... Hmmm... ;)

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Originally posted by Blind Tree Frog

Danke === (most likely poor) german for thank you.


Or do i have the wrong translation in mind?


Danke = thank you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe I should have kept a diary... My mandarin looks forward to Marine Cuisine now. He recognizes the measuring cup I use to get water out and the turkey baster I use to give him the food. He even goes to a central place in the tank where it's easiest to blast him with food. When the food is in, he dashes around, sucking up ANY bit small enough to fit in his mouth. However, to this point, I have not seen him eat pellet or flake foods of any kind.


Funny thing too...my lawnmower blenny (he does okay controlling nuisance algae and is extremely fat as well) sits beside the mandarin and copies him, taking the big bits of Marine Cuisine in his mouth, munching, then spitting them back out since he eats algae, haha.



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