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Sun Corals


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Oh. they won't show them on the actual website tho. You have to talk to Jim...you can just IM him at sn fragpacks or just drop him an email which is listed on the site.

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great! they're looking nice and fat. they should start to show new heads after a couple weeks to months of being on a healthy diet. keep it up

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I kind of regret receiving this coral.

it's so much fracking work to feed each of the 30+ polyps of my frag..especially when they consume like 4 shrimp each polyp easily.

plus it opens at night! ah!

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haha, you lazy bums!


this is a perfect example of "Equivalent Trade" ... if you devote the proper time into caring for this coral, it will reward you with one of the most beautiful corals you have in the tank. if you don't feed it, it'll just hide all day and look like orange stubbles :P


if u can't keep up with the feedings, and u "regret" it, just get rid of it! and let someone else who can take care of it do it for you.

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I'm feeding mine every night, and theyre greedy as heck

the big polyps snatch up the food and leave nothing for the little ones

so I have to kind of move the big polyps aside and inject some shrimp for the little guys hahah

and then wait as I fend off the oncoming nassarius and especially emerald crab!!


plus, they grow slowly :|

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You know what I noticed with mine is that it seems to be hard to feed him big chunks. When I press on the medecine droper a big chunk of Brine gets stuck and I end up sometimes blasting food out, Hahaha. It comes out so hard that a fish gets a hold of it. It's a bit hard to feed each single polyp, but I have to. I want that think to come out like the ones that I have seen on other threads.

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Lol I've got mine almost at that point, but I'm feeding it like once every three days

serves those guys right for not eating all the food and letting some float away


I don't try to feed each individual polyp anymore. It's survival of the fittest in the wild, so why should it be any different in my aquarium?


If this sun coral wants to live in my aquarium, it had better live according to my rules or it dies!


ha just kidding. But I'm too lazy to really care for it that much. Especially since it shuts up during the day.

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Wow, never seen that. I was thinking of something like that but the way I was thinking was more like removing the sun coral from the tank and place him in a plate where it had the brine. But I was told that it could add some stress to the coral, and I guess it makes scence. But that method looks kinda...different. Haha.

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alas, i'm quite used to feeding the sun now.

it opens up very fully, so feeding the polyps is a breeze, just drop the shrimp in and go. :)

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Yeah same here it's becoming a breeze. Im pretty used to it now. I just hope that Im feeding them enough. Every other day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw some that Uchiha sent me as an example of how they get and man that made me feed these suckers the most I can. It's just that whenever the dropper hits the tenticles they hide so I have to wait minutes before they can open up again and feed the next little sun. Dude. But you guys are right these things are cool looking. Not cause they are mine, hahaha. But because they are cool corals.

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