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Drilled holes in tank - how to close/seal off? Bulkheads


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Hi guys,

Hope you are all well. I am a complete newbie and writing hoping for advice for my grandma. Her tank broke so she bought one on Facebook. Didn’t realise until cleaning there are these two holes that exit the tank (she thought they were sealed, thank god she didn’t fill the tank all the way!!). So they penetrate the glass ie tank is not water right (hollow middle bit leads to outside tank).


her old tanks have never had this (last tank 290L), this one a bit bigger. She has had cold water fish for 20+ years she loves her fish like her kids. As she’s only ever had normal tanks we have no idea what these holes are for. 


please could any one help and explain as if explaining to aliens. We’re unsure what we need to buy to be able to use the tank, and she’s upset as the old tank broke and her fish are in a plastic tub for another night. Been trying to find answers but mixed info and it’s hurting my little brain!!


What I have gathered is this may be something to do with connecting to a sump - we do not want this. Are there caps we can screw onto these to make it water tight? What would they be called? Otherwise I have read you can put silicone and a pane of glass on top - best to do this on top of these thingies or scrape the old silicone off and remove the black things before glass pane and silicone . Will this withstand 350+ l. Other idea was go to aquarium to purchase the pipes or whatever and attach but just have it connect to nothing. 


Any advise or help would be much appreciated, and thanks in advance from me and my grandma xx 





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Looks like they are made for some type of standpipes to fit into me. Do they go thru the glass? If not, then just scrape them off and fill her up!

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2 hours ago, colormegone said:

Looks like they are made for some type of standpipes to fit into me. Do they go thru the glass? If not, then just scrape them off and fill her up!

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. They go through the glass thankfully we realised when cleaning and not filling the tank!! From what I gather they are “bulkheads”, any suggestions for best way to close off would be much appreciated xx

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  • Em_xx changed the title to Drilled holes in tank - how to close/seal off? Bulkheads

You could get some PVC caps and seal them off. Are they on the bottom of the tank? If so, you can seal them off and build your scape over them.

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Looks like standard 1" schedule 40 PVC.  👍  Install a PVC standpipe or two as intended....using them to feed a sump is recommended, if possible...cap the standpipes off if you have no use for them.  


(If you have no use for the drains, there might be more value in re-selling the tank to someone who wants to run a sump and take that money to the pet store for a plain tank that comes without drains.)



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