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Cultivated Reef

Any idea what this is?


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I’m very new to this and found this in my tank. Anyone have any idea what it could be and if it’s harmful? Thanks in advance! This is a saltwater tank. 




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4 hours ago, daniejd said:

Is it a freshwater or saltwater tank? Looks a bit like the larvae that come in on some freshwater plants. If it’s a saltwater tank, no idea.

It is a saltwater tank, thank you for your response! 

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On 7/29/2022 at 2:50 PM, Tired said:

Is it still alive? It looks a lot like an insect larva, and I'm wondering if it came from somewhere else and fell in there.

It’s still alive and moving around 

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Is this a shrimp tank? I wonder because of non traditional choice of rock and what looks like hair algae or cheto behind it. Do you know where that algae came from?

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