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Innovative Marine Aquariums

any recommended lights for my 10g nano?


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I want to get the right light for my nano tank but i just don't know what to look for in a aquarium light for saltwater tanks. I have freshwater tank lights but I know that those aren't for saltwater. Any recommendations? For those who want to know, my tank is 17.5 inches long and 12 inches wide so, I need a light to cover that area.

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16 hours ago, Sturgi_0225 said:

What’s your budget

up to $100

1 hour ago, NanoUlysses said:

What type of coral are you trying to keep? 


well I'm going to start with easy corals but i want the light now so that when i get corals that need a good light my tank will have it all ready

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If I only had $100 to spend on a light, I’d probably look for a AI Prime HD. They can usually be found used for around that price. 

If you’re wanting new, I know there’s lots of people on this forum that like the Nicrew lights. I’ve never used them, so I’ve got no opinion on them. 

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Search on Facebook Marketplace,OfferUp,Reef2Reef. Here its harder the hardware thread has taken a hit here lately and sales have slown down dramtically. 


 Primes,Kessil A80 Tuna Blue & A150 Tuna Blues,AquaKnight (on Amazon,the 3 cluster version) are like $65-$70 amazing little light for the price. AquaKnight V2's are about $120-$150.


 There are cheaper lights that can be used,but the quality of the componets of the foxture are going to be your limiting factor,and the companies warranty and return policies. I will tell you know,one thing you don't want to buy cheap is a light. They work,they do the job but you will ALWAYS spending more money upgrading time and time again. I suggest buying a used AI Prime,and going that route. Save yourself some money. 

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