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~~ Your Help Needed - Beginner FAQ ~~

Orange Crush

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I don't mean to chime in here and I didn't read every post so I don't know if this was mentioned...


But there is this thing called a "Library" and in these "libraries" they have "books". Now these "books" have information on all sorts of subjects from How to Buy Real Estate to let say Reef Keeping. Yes, reef keeping. I know my public library, where you don't have to spend money to borrow books, has about three books on saltwater fish tanks.

So I would recommend trying these places if you have one somewhat close by.


Now, if you don't. Go to Amazon.com or a bookstore. Get Saltwater Tanks for Dummies or something of the similar. These aren't the best books but for some reason the publishing company made the author organize his knowledge ...maybe to make it easy to read...I don't know… I am not in the book business.

Honestly, though the books are probably under 30 bucks. Since you will want something to always to reference back to, I would get it. Here you have to wait for some idiot like myself to give a smart-ass answer to your innocent question. These boards are good for sharing photos, asking more random questions, and selling/trading your stuff.

I think a book is a good introduction and besides you are going to need all the information you can get your hands on…at least that is how I approached the “hobby”.

(I put it in quotes…b/c it becomes an expensive addiction…but hey they are other worse addictions)…

Just my two cents...that I have left after this hobby!


Good luck.

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I agree that books are a great source of information to those that can / want to use them, the problem is that not everybody has access to them in the same manner as you may think. Contrary to popular belief, many small libraries do not carry books on EVERY subject available. The library in my home town of about 30,000 ppl has 1 book on saltwater fish care, and it's about 30 friggin pages worth of nothing! Unfortunately for me, I live in a small area that makes it hard to get access to the knowledge that I find available online. While I would love to have the money to purchase many books on the subject, I cannot afford to do so very regularly. Thus this forum (and many, many others) was born.


It is my personal belief that forums such as these should offer some form of introductory reading for the subject at hand and I belive that this thread offers that. The fact that we've compiled such a wealth of knowledge for this forum is due to the enormous amount of information available for this hobby. There's still so much more to learn that I'm sure this thread may continue indefinately if left to the whim of the readers.


Perhaps it is time to condense this thread into something more manageable! Let's fill in the gaps and finish this puppy off!

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See...I don't know what other states are like...so sorry to those who don't have public libraries. Maybe universities or community college libraries?

i am willing to help...but if you can't afford a 30 dollar buck off the bat...well you might want to stay out of this hobby...that is for people getting into the hobby not for those who are already involved...'cause you know we have no money!


but again, I am willing to help.


Anyone want to start a nano cube site dedicated to nano cube only owners?


Thought about it...just don't have the time...

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