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sting ray!!


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Don’t keep it.... it will die


Dude, have you ever been to Sea-World or The Florida Aquarium before? What do you think they keep their rays in.....a nano, lol you have to be kidding me and plus they get over 8 feet in length. You would need a very expensive tank and very good equipment to keep one or many alive. Your best bet is to leave the creatures in the ocean alone b/c they have nasty parasites that can get in your tank if not treated in advance or let alone dieing b/c or improper care. Many people make this mistake because they think that the distributors out there catch wild marine fish and they ship them out to pet shops immediately after catching (this is not the case). They quarantine the fish for at least 6 months before shipping them out to pet stores.


Hope the ray makes it!

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Just curious. If the stingray was in a 100 gallon, with what kind of fish can it co-exist? But dude take it to LFS if you have it in a Nano, that's cruel. They are cool though. LOL.

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Most stingrays in our river are about 10 pounds that I catch regularly. thishas to be a joke. babies wouldnt even fit in a 10

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They are in the intracoastal in Fla all the time. Really cool blue spot ones. They aren't that big and are brackish. These are ones I have seen for sale so it is totally possible someone could nab one.


That being said, I have been trolled.

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