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Fluval Flex 15 Project


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So i've been wanting to setup a Office Nano for a bit, got the greenlight a month ago, and just been planning since.  got a great condition used fluval flex 15 that i'm planning to use.  planning to keep it pretty simple, and going to rely on light feeding to keep maintance low. I need to figure out lighting though.  plan is easy stuff no SPS and prolly mainly things like a Torch, some zoas and some dragons breath macro algea (since I won't have a sump)  thinking of a few options.




2-3 Trulumen Pros mounted to the top of the stock hood removing the stock light

Chiriros A361 Marine light

2-3 Reef Bars

then using a TC420 led controller for dimming and daylight/moonlight control


another option is going topless with a Kessil a80 or maybe an astra 20 if i want to go on a budget but i would need to figure out a lid though of some sort.  I like the idea of the tank being more or less covered completly, office is staffed 24/7 not that I think people will mess with it, but i dunno... 


anyone have any thoughts?  


filtration wise thinking of basically doing what i'm doing in my 40 gallon cube and run GFO/Carbon in a media bag, and rely on water changes, and macro algea for nutrient extract. I don't run any mechanical in my 40 cube and the thing is crytal clear and no issues with algea in it.


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Christopher Marks

Welcome to the community @LogistcalReefer! 👋


I wasn't familiar with the Fluval Flex system, this is the one? That's really cool, I didn't know anyone was making bow front tanks in that style! I can see your dilemma with the lighting though, those trim freshwater LED lights. Could you share a photo of the top of tank without the hood installed, as well as a photo of the underside of the hood itself? Retrofitting would be slick, but I worry about clearance. How is the power cord and on/off switch routed on the stock light?


Show us what we're working with on the underside, the plastic details 🙂. You can share photos here right from your computer, just drag and drop into the post editor, or tap 'Choose files...' at the bottom of the post editor from your computer or smartphone.

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don't actually have the tank in my posession till tommrow.  but here a  pic i'm using for reference.


my thought right now is use one of the trip lights attached to the top of the hood in place of the stock light.  another thouht I just had was to get a asta 20 which has pretty good reviews.  then drill a hole dead center in the lid and then glue some glass/accylc under the hole and the asta would fit right in it and the 180 degree lens means it will give pretty wide coverage.




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Christopher Marks

Seeing that view of the lid, I think retrofitting with a similar LED light bar of some sort is definitely possible. The only concern may be heat generation, but for the coral you're thinking of keeping, I don't think you'll need anything too intense. I found this video of a light added to a freshwater Fluval Flex system, it almost seems too easy! Assuming all the electrical connections are well sealed and can handle the salt exposure, why not?


Is it usually pretty chilly in the office?



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yup that is the exact light i'm thinking just the marine version, and I tihnk thats the video I got the idea from.   it actually has dual controls I think I can tap for a sunrise/sunset dimming and tweaking the color temp..


office is never crazy hot, but it never is consistent some days I need a fan to stay cool some days I need a coat in july.

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so got the tank today and brain storming.  the stock light seems quit nice and high CRI for a planted tank, prolly uses simlar diodes to there fresh and plant series just less of them.  its about 10w rated.  i'm thinking of just grabing 2xactinic reefbars to mount on either side of the light.  there about 9w each, you guys think this would be enough light for softies and lps?

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Christopher Marks

The spectrum of LED diodes in the freshwater version might include more reds for plant growth. Some members here have been using common LED 'grow bulbs' meant for plants on their tanks that would be similar, it might be worth searching some discussions here to see how its been going. The worry is additional algae growth, but I think it has been working out for some with no algae issues.

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Nice! My daughter has the Fluval Flex 9G, running freshwater. Getting her set up with her beautiful tank was what made me want my own. 


I wonder if you would be able to use this timer with your new light setup, to be able to program the lights including sunrise, sunset, and moonlights. Now that I’m thinking about it, I think I might order one for my daughter’s tank. 🙂

Fluval A3977 Digital LED Dual Lamp timer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B015QM9TS0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_i_tGJdBbJBE1MPY


A couple things I’ve noticed about her tank - it doesn’t have much flow compared to saltwater, so you may need to upgrade the pump. Also, sponge mechanical filtration setups can accumulate detritus if you don’t clean them out really well during your maintenance... I ended up switching my daughter’s out for intank media racks. 


Excited to hear how it goes with your setup!

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The light isn't compatible with the fluval timer.  That said I took a look at the wireing between the light bar and the controller under the hood looks like it's standard 12v rgbw with a ground ( 5 wires). So if I cut that wire and splice in a longer cable I could bypass the stock controller for a tc420 led controller.  I've used these in the past to do sunrise sunset on freshwater lights.  I've contemplated doing simlar on this project.  But I'm trying to keep it simple.  


Plan on a korllelli nano 425g wavemaker for flow

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4 hours ago, LogistcalReefer said:

The light isn't compatible with the fluval timer.  That said I took a look at the wireing between the light bar and the controller under the hood looks like it's standard 12v rgbw with a ground ( 5 wires). So if I cut that wire and splice in a longer cable I could bypass the stock controller for a tc420 led controller.  I've used these in the past to do sunrise sunset on freshwater lights.  I've contemplated doing simlar on this project.  But I'm trying to keep it simple.  


Plan on a korllelli nano 425g wavemaker for flow

Aww, bummer about the timer... thanks for posting your idea... seems like advanced fish tank light wiring 101 to me, though,  so perhaps I should just plug her light in to the standard on off timer I bought a couple weeks ago and call it done haha...


Can’t wait to see what you come up with. 🙂 

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I'm semi new to salt.  But been doing fresh for years. I diy most of my lights.  Have a 21 tank fish room lol (scaling back on that though fresh is loosing interest lately)


Just snagged a used since Voyager nano from a local guy so got wavemaker covered. And ordered a actnic 21led reefbar 12in that I should have Monday.  Picking up live sand and a bit of rock should be cycling by the weekend.  Need to figure out back chamber.  There is plenty of room back there though since I won't be doing a skimmer

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Been setup since Sunday.  Don't have a today pic but heading to a local shop to pick up a clownfish.  Going to feed light but figuring 3lb of established rock and about half the sand in the tank k being out of my home tank means it should be able to support the clown while it finishes maturing.  


Stock planned:


Tailspot blenny

Cleaner shrimp

Emerald crab

A few other misc cuc as I see needed


Equipment so far

Lighting stock lighting with 2 12in reefbar actnic.  It's ok I'm thinking long term going to get a custom lid made for the top and see if I can score a feel on a kessil a80

Stock pump

Soccer nano 2000 wavemaker

Tetra 50 watt heater

Filtrarion running a bag of frozen/carbon in chamber one.  And stock foam in chamber two with no media, going to look into an intankedia rack in the future for chamber one and maybe run cheato in chamber two in the future.


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Tank is doing awesome.  The clown is quite active and seems to have settled in. Gsp is all opened up.  Going to add a small leather and a zoa frag tommrow and see how it goes.


Snagged a blueacro 20k pro array and a makersled heatsink going to retrofit in to the lid and make a simple on/off light about 18watts should be way better look and coral wise.



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Added a second actnic strip.  And added a hammer and a zoa colony, light is good enough till I make the new one.  Clown is doing good.  Need to get some meat on him got him skinny and been trying to drop in a few tiny pellets a few times a day to get some food in him without ending up with a lot of uneaten waste since the tank is so young


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  • 2 weeks later...

decided to do DIY light upgrade.  grabbed 3 Acrostar 20k pro 24watt pucs off a member on here.  used two to upgrade my main tanks leds, and using the last one o upgrade the lighting on my office tank.


but first here is where the tank stood yesterday before i took the hood home to modify




Now the completed modified hood.  spread should be good, about 1inch down I get full spread so should be good.


And from the bottom



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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
On 8/18/2018 at 12:06 PM, N.Meds said:

Thinking about doing this with my spare flex. What did you use for the filter?

sorry late reply.  filtration is more or less stock.  using the foam in the middle for mechanical (clean it weekly)  in chamber one I wasn't getting enough skimming so I added a little ehiem surface skimmer.  and then have a bag of carbon/gfo tossed in to the last chamber.  tank runs great like this.  tank has been up 5 months or so now



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/10/2018 at 4:14 AM, LogistcalReefer said:

sorry late reply.  filtration is more or less stock.  using the foam in the middle for mechanical (clean it weekly)  in chamber one I wasn't getting enough skimming so I added a little ehiem surface skimmer.  and then have a bag of carbon/gfo tossed in to the last chamber.  tank runs great like this.  tank has been up 5 months or so now



Great thread. I'm going to be converting our Flex to salt. Was thinking of trying to mount an AI Prime or Fluval Nano Bluetooth light in the lid. Do you think either of those will work in that lid?

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no experence with either of those lights.  what I did works well.  that said i'm thinking a better option would be to fabricate a glass/screen lid for it and go for a more traditional mount, better light spread.  buddy of ming just had a sheet of glass cut for his nano rimless that just fits inside the tank, got some molding so it sits on the rim. really thinking of doing the same for this tank.


one this I think to keep in mind with ai prime is I think there is lenses on the leds, I think you need some height to get good coverage.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 6 months later...
On 6/7/2018 at 2:44 PM, LogistcalReefer said:

Tank is doing awesome.  The clown is quite active and seems to have settled in. Gsp is all opened up.  Going to add a small leather and a zoa frag tommrow and see how it goes.


Snagged a blueacro 20k pro array and a makersled heatsink going to retrofit in to the lid and make a simple on/off light about 18watts should be way better look and coral wise.



How is this tank doing? I just got my fluval flex and looking to turn it into a saltwater as well. I was advised to get the fluval nano reef light but based on what I've seen so far, it's not as strong for corals. any other suggestions? I really like the lid and would like to keep it.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I’m thinking of trying to mount the nano Fluval 15 inch marine led under the hood. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this to the hood? 

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