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Buy a rock, get a free anemone!


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Sight_2018_03_05_204255_290.thumb.jpg.ea2b43cbadf88e72599623d29ae2292d.jpgI picked up a rock from my lfs today and was shocked to find a small hitchhiker in the form of an anemone which i think is a bta...:o Hard to tell from the picture.

The foot is a dark red and the tentacles look teal and purple.

Right now, I'm trying to dislodge it from the rock. I was just wanting to add some more rubble to my fuge

Should I take it back? I don't know if my tank is stable enough to handle an anemone.

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Need a better photo. Not sure what I am looking at.


It could be a majano anenome. They come in different colors... people consider them a pest but they are quiet beautiful and never got out of hand when I had them. 


Image result for majano anemone



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Yeah, it could be! Is it hiding its foot? bubble tips like to stick their foot in holes/hidey places. 


Did the rock come out of a display type tank?


Cool hitchiker whatever it is. How long has your tank been set up? I have found bubble tips to be quiet hardy but others haven't been so lucky. 

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I don’t understand why people say it’s a pest.  Majano are just like other anemone, so if you think it’s cool then keep it. I’m sure people would hate bubble tips just as much if they spread as quickly as Apitasia.

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If Aiptasia was at least nice to look at and didn't sting everything... :P My BTAs keep the Aiptasia at bay on their rocks but my tank is infested. It's basically an anemone species tank with a few gorgs, sun corals, etc.


Most people think BTAs need perfect water, my tank water is anything but and I have twenty five of them thriving. They are pretty hardy in my experience. I haven't tested anything but salinity in years but I bet my phosphates and nitrates aren't anywhere near 'optimal'.


It might do just fine in your tank, I'd see how it goes.

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8 hours ago, Tamberav said:

Yeah, it could be! Is it hiding its foot? bubble tips like to stick their foot in holes/hidey places. 


Did the rock come out of a display type tank?


Cool hitchiker whatever it is. How long has your tank been set up? I have found bubble tips to be quiet hardy but others haven't been so lucky. 

It looks like it's trying to find a good place to hide it's foot. The rock was in a display tank, but with pretty basic lighting.

My tank has been running since November, but it was established for a couple years before I got it. I recently transferred everything to a 40g and my corals and inverts died. I still have not found a cause for the crash and have spoken to quite a few people.


At this point, I think I'll just see how it goes, it's a pretty good looking specimen, even if it ends up being a majano :D Hopefully he behaves himself.

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I actually like majano anemones, I have them in my tank because I put them in there, everything needs a home right? :P word of advise though, they don’t replicate super fast but fast enough and they can hurt your corals, so you will need to do some population control once in a while. Also they do not stay in one place for very long, they tend to move around, even on sand or float around too.

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8 hours ago, Cintax said:

If Aiptasia was at least nice to look at and didn't sting everything... :P My BTAs keep the Aiptasia at bay on their rocks but my tank is infested. It's basically an anemone species tank with a few gorgs, sun corals, etc.


Most people think BTAs need perfect water, my tank water is anything but and I have twenty five of them thriving. They are pretty hardy in my experience. I haven't tested anything but salinity in years but I bet my phosphates and nitrates aren't anywhere near 'optimal'.


It might do just fine in your tank, I'd see how it goes.

Aiptasia looks decent when they start covering up the rocks. People just kill them too quickly, they are not allowed to color up after living in low light, shit conditions for so long. I had some in a small shrimp tank and they turned wine red, almost like bta. Looked nice.

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A tank full of all different colored Majano's and like 30 clownfish siblings would be cool. 


The fact its trying to hide its foot makes me think bubbletip though. Plus that rock came out of a display tank and not a live rock vat/bin which would probably more likely have "pests" than display animals.



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10 minutes ago, Sjadet said:

Aiptasia looks decent when they start covering up the rocks. People just kill them too quickly, they are not allowed to color up after living in low light, shit conditions for so long. I had some in a small shrimp tank and they turned wine red, almost like bta. Looked nice.

How did you get them to colour up?

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All my majano’s usually hide their foot, it depends on the lighting their in to tell the truth. Mine are all over the place, but the best colored ones are in a little bit of shade, they have the greenest color, but I have some that are right in front of the light and they look like their plastered to the rock ?, I have others that are in complete shade and try to stand like an inch high.

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On 3/6/2018 at 11:02 PM, Cintax said:

How did you get them to colour up?

I just kept them in a small tank under my old LEDs. They were brown at first but got their deep red appearance back after 2 months-ish.

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1 hour ago, Sjadet said:

I just kept them in a small tank under my old LEDs. They were brown at first but got their deep red appearance back after 2 months-ish.

So random. Mine are semi-transparent brown. 

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