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Cultivated Reef

can i do this or will i get bashed?


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yeah thats what i'm going to get! I swear i'm going to need my own diji! That or a car...hmmmm!lol! No my b-day isn't till FEB, so i wouldnt' be able to drive a car on my own till then! Yeah i'm going to ask for a dijital camera, lets just hope pics don't have to wait till then:P!

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lol! My mom always works 24/7 but we get along a lot, my dad....well even though he lives here i hardly ever talk to him. He gets home and goes to bed then goes to work and comes home and ect, both my parents work alot

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lol! Yeah i can't talk to anyone in my family about it eaither. I'll be talking and they'll stop me about 5 times and ask me "whats that", "What are you talking about"....lol! Thats why i'm here all the time! Me and my friends are strictky on a band/music talking diet! Ummm Ummm good! Especialy those drummers!

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rock, the 2 week wait time is good, but the clown goby will definitely not survive on flake food alone. They will eat frozen for sure, but you have to be prepared to feed them at least once every day if not more. You will see what i mean when u get one.


They don't need just pods thank god, but they are teeny and fill up fast and then need more a few hours later. Flake won't cut it.

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ok so does anyone know of any other kind of fish that will eat flake food that i could keep w/ a pair of clowns in a 10gallon and is colorfull and not that $$$?

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Clown gobies do eat flake, but as with any fish, should have it supplemented with different foods for better health (pellets, frozen, fresh). I would think that your clown fish would be better for a variety also. Blennies, mine anyway, has a great personality and some are colorful. Of course, this is just my take on it and my fish enjoy the variety.

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hey rock12 if my tank was bas new as yours i'd wait a few more weeks to add anything. 2 weeks sounds like a bit of a rush. usually you'll be fine with a 2 week wait period in an established tank, but seeing as you and your tank are new to the hobby, i'd give youself a little room for error and wait 4 maybe 5 weeks. remb er the only things that happen fast in this hobby are bad. ;) hth

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ok, yeah i will wait, i was just worried that my clowns(if i waited to long) would reject the other fish. But i will wait, and i might even just stick with the clown pair!

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if you get a goby they wont go medieval really...he's a different type of fish than they are..all they day is staay on the bottom and perch and crap..so i thik he should be fine.

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