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Coral Vue Hydros

can i do this or will i get bashed?


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i was wondering if in a 10g i could have a pair of clowns and a yellow clown goby? I already have the pair of clowns, so if i can get that too(if you would recremend it) would i need to get it soon so the clowns to beat upon it?

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yes!! i have 2 clowns and a green clown goby. they are awesome together


i think you could add it any time with in the next month or two and be fine!

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you should be fine with out a skimmer! i had that combo in my 12 gal for about a year with no skimmer and did fine. additionally i had probably about as much coral as you do and all was fine.


just do the water changes every week and keep any eye on things and it should be find. i dont think a clown goby is going to make any major changes on the bio load.


**edit**sorry i put what i do, as far as the 3-4 week thing because i am lazy and have a skimmer, plus macro algae. i agee with the once a week though. sorry for any confusion.

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If your tank is new its still boosting up on the "good" bacteria...give them and your animals a break and do weekly waterchanges w/ no skimmer

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Originally posted by lgreen

just do the water changes every 3-4 weeks and keep any eye on things and it should be find.

i'd have to offer different advice... i personally think 3-4 weeks is WAY too long to go w/o a water change.


try to do water changes EVERY week... about 10-15% is sufficient.

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i'd have to offer different advice... i personally think 3-4 weeks is WAY too long to go w/o a water change.


try to do water changes EVERY week... about 10-15% is sufficient.

I also agree here. If you had a skimmer and fuge, you could get away with once every 3-4 weeks. But without those, you should be doing weekly changes.
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Thankx! Does anyone know when my tank should be stable enough to add the clown goby? I don't want to wait too long now that i got the pair cuz i don't want them bullying it! My tank is 3-4 months old now!

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Check your water parameters. If they're fine, I'd say go for it. Just keep your eye on the parameters real close for a while after you do anything to the tank. Watch how much you feed too.

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yeah there good! I don't feed my fish a ton, a small pinch of food a day, i heard that over feeding is the number one cuase of fish death!

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When did you get the percs?


10-15% water changes on a 10g is a snap. I find myself changing the water on my 20G FAR more often than my 120G.
Definately! When I only had the 10g, I used to mix my SW in a 1g water jug with a spout. I marked a line on the back of the tank that was exactly the same volume as the jug. That way, I could vacuum out some dirty water (to the line) and let the new water slowly drip in over an hour or so.
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i got the percs about a 4 days ago is all! There doing great though, and show no signs of agression! Within the first hour i could tell who was the female though cuz the other rubs against here and does the shaky thing!

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rock, what areyou planning to feed the goby.? bec i buy only fish that eat flakes and find it alot easier to deal with. i love gobies also but i found a goby that eats flakes so. 2 weeks in my opinion is fine to wait for goby. if yoru careful with feeding and do your water changes. just go for it.

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yeah i feed flakes to my clowns, gobies eat flakes right? Yeah i don't feed my fish alot at all, don't want to over feed them. Thankx ,i am going to wait a couple weeks before i get one i just wanted to make sure it wouldn't be too much of a bio load and to make sure my false percs would get along w/ it

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Hey rock12... you have been on here asking lots of questions and have gotten a lot done on your tank... when are we going to see some pics???


Pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics!!!!

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Originally posted by rock12

can i do this or will i get bashed?

lol r12, the answer to both these questions is yes.. :)


and to second what revance said: pics pics pics pics pics pics... :D :D



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id run a skimmer with that many fish in a 10 gal, or if you want to be thrifty and have the time, do the weekly water change as previously recommended.


otherwise i think you will be ok, but be sure to add a refuge soon as the clown gobies i have had will only eat pods

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yes i am young, and i've been trying to get pics forever, but the dad won't let me toch his boy toy(mungo expensive diji camera) and will only take them himself, and then he says he will and then never does! Uhhhhhh! I ask him every night so one of these days he has to break in:P! I just got done w/ a roll of film so i'll have to take it in and get the pics on a disc, but i'm not sure when were going into town! Don't worry though people i will sooner or later no matter what it takes get you pics:P!

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