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AIO Nuvo Fusion (and the like) back chamber cleaning


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To all of the AIO Nuvo Fusion (and similar) tank owners; how to you keep the back chamber clean?  The thought hit me while doing a water change and filter maintenance on an AC70 in my freshwater tank and there's gunk that builds up in there that needs to be cleaned out occasionally.  I imagine that the same can/will occur in the back chamber of these all in one tanks, but unlike a filter its fixed to the back of the tank.  Have you run across this issue, if so, how do you deal with it?

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While all my equipment is out and soaking in either vinegar of Hydor Magi-Klean (god I love that stuff!) I use one of the Doc Wellfish's Long Handled Algae Scraper's (photo below) to get all the worms, sponges, detritus and overall gunk that builds up on the walls off the chamber.


It's amazing disgusting how brown and nasty the water is after siphoning it all out. I also will kind of "rinse" it out with freshly made saltwater and have a second scrub and siphon to make it extra clean. You'll never be able to get the gunk under the media chamber though, but it makes a huge difference.


Good luck!



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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a big bottle brush, works great... once a week at wc i run it around in the back.. helps instead of scrubbing off major buildup. Then just siphon from the back outside chambers (lagoon 25)

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