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Bashment's 20g IM Nuvo Fusion


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April 2016 FTS



Hello everyone. Wanted a good way to keep track of this new build so decided to log it here. I've had this tank for more than a month, but havent had time to set it up due to the holidays, etc....until today.


Replaced the stock pump and replaced it with two Tunze 1073.008 Silence pumps in hopes of adding a 9001 Tunze Skimmer to my setup.




Decided to use Tropic Eden's Reef Flakes and rinsed the sand 5 times. Put in and fired the pump up




But still cloudy



Hoping this clears up soon. As I want to get my aquascape up and get this tank finally running. I've had live rock cycling over the past month and I have MicroBacter7 and Dr. Tims One and Only to help boost this tank to get it up and running as quickly as possible. I'm currently standing by...if it clears up somewhat later tonight, I will get started with the rock.

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Tank cleared up for the most part this morning but just agitated it again trying to aquascape. Put the Intank media baskets in with Filter Floss and Chem Pure Elite in one and Carbon and Purigen in another. Dumped the One and Only and MicroBacter7 in and mounted the Maxspect Razor.. All that's left is to put in the ATO, heater and RW4 in. As you can see I'm not the best at aquascaping but I will continue working on it. Any suggestions?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally! Today was "Moving In Day" for the clowns in my old Fluval Spec. Last night the tank cleared Ammonia from 5 ppm to 0 ppm in less than 24 hours. Did a 10% water change and put in more MicroBacter7 (since it's almost finished) prior to putting the fish in. Also put in a Tunze Nano Osmolator ATO and an Eheim Jager 75W heater earlier this week, just in time since the temperature recently dropped down here. Next on the checklist:


1. Put the Jebao RW4 in. (Just trying to figure where I'll be placing the high flow coral. Any suggestions?)


2. Transfer over the rest of my coral as the week progresses.


3. Pick up a proper CUC


4. 9001 Tunze skimmer soon?


I currently have a Midas Blenny in QT. Will keep up with pics as I put the coral in.



Hope the tunze works out. Was gonna do that too but opted for an airstone skimmer

The Tunze are putting out a good amount of flow and allows enough room for the 9001 Tunze skimmer when I decide to put it in. Liking them so far
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Nice set up! Was thinking about adding a skimmer to mine but wasn't sure how to fit one in. Now I know! How noisy are you finding the pumps? I've found that no matter how silent the pump in the back is, the small compartment its in acts like a resonating chamber and amplifies the noise. Really annoying. I've tried 3 different pumps over the last few months, all of which are silent when tested in a bucket but make a loud hum in the back chamber even when they aren't touching the sides or base. Love my tank but that's my only problem with it.

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Nice set up! Was thinking about adding a skimmer to mine but wasn't sure how to fit one in. Now I know! How noisy are you finding the pumps? I've found that no matter how silent the pump in the back is, the small compartment its in acts like a resonating chamber and amplifies the noise. Really annoying. I've tried 3 different pumps over the last few months, all of which are silent when tested in a bucket but make a loud hum in the back chamber even when they aren't touching the sides or base. Love my tank but that's my only problem with it.

Thank you! These Tunzes are absolutely silent! I guess they don't call them the Tunze Silence Compact for nothing. I'm sure you'll be happy with these.

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Knocked a couple of items off the checklist. Put the Jebao RW4 in, along with my hermit crab, Favia, Monti, Lepto, Ricordea and Frogspawn. Loving this little wave action from the Jebao.


Next round will be my Zoas.



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I pulled the right side return line and plumbed the return pump straight to the left. I attached my 9001 skimmer to the left baffle. It's a bit tight in there but, it works.

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Hey man,

Tank is coming along well, I have a few questions as I'm just starting up with my Nuvo 20 (upgrading from a 5gal. after 2 years!):


1. What heater are you using?

2. Do you have an RODI system? I see your buckets, I'm trying to find lids for my Home depot 5g buckets...

3. Can you share your filtration setup? Are you using baskets, egg crate, etc?


Cheers & thank you!

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Hey man,

Tank is coming along well, I have a few questions as I'm just starting up with my Nuvo 20 (upgrading from a 5gal. after 2 years!):


1. What heater are you using?

2. Do you have an RODI system? I see your buckets, I'm trying to find lids for my Home depot 5g buckets...

3. Can you share your filtration setup? Are you using baskets, egg crate, etc?


Cheers & thank you!

Thank you! I am currently using an Eheim Jager 75W which has done an excellent job maintaining a steady temp. I do not have an RODI system, but have found the Home Depot 5G jugs to be cost efficient and versatile. I believe a majority of lids have a standard size so you should be able to fit most any 5G lid on your HD bucket (just ask them to help you out when you're in store). As for filtration setup I have 2 inTank media baskets and 1 inTank fuge basket. In the left basket I have filter floss on top, and Chemipure Elite Nano in the middle. On the right basket, I have carbon on top with Purigen in the middle. Fuge basket is empty (trying to figure out what to put in there still).

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Thank you! I am currently using an Eheim Jager 75W which has done an excellent job maintaining a steady temp. I do not have an RODI system, but have found the Home Depot 5G jugs to be cost efficient and versatile. I believe a majority of lids have a standard size so you should be able to fit most any 5G lid on your HD bucket (just ask them to help you out when you're in store). As for filtration setup I have 2 inTank media baskets and 1 inTank fuge basket. In the left basket I have filter floss on top, and Chemipure Elite Nano in the middle. On the right basket, I have carbon on top with Purigen in the middle. Fuge basket is empty (trying to figure out what to put in there still).


Do you buy your distilled water somewhere then, without an RODI system? Thanks for the quick response! :)

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Do you buy your distilled water somewhere then, without an RODI system? Thanks for the quick response! :)

No prob. I pick up salt/fresh RODI water at the LFS. I was in a pinch the other day so I have been using a jug of distilled for my ATO

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New additions to the tank. Trochus Snail + Cerith Snail x 2 + Peppermint Shrimp. Only drip acclimated them for 30 minutes so hope they pull through.



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  • 4 weeks later...

It's been awhile, so here's a quick update! Last week, I've added a Bali green slimer, Cyphastrea, and RBTA. The RBTA has been moving all over the tank and has been fairly closed up until today. I think it may have found its spot, unfortunately it's behind the rocks and out of site from the front of the tank. I am hoping it'll find a spot in the front. Lastly, yesterday evening I put in my Canary Blenny who seems to be getting along just fine. Pretty cool fish I must say.




RBTA pics coming soon (hopefully) pending its cooperation in finding a good spot

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Not looking good. RBTA still hiding out. I cant even find her. I am starting to regret putting one in the tank. Hope she's not dead, rotting away somewhere in the rocks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just bought a proper CUC from ReefCleaners a few days ago and these guys have been busy. Yesterday, I caught one of the snails leaving some mucus-like substance on my glass but was unsure exactly what was going on. Checked later that evening and it looks like it laid out some eggs. But, with new life there is death...which brings me to my next point. My canary Blenny has not been eating too well the past few weeks. I've tried my best with Copepods etc but he continued to lose size and his belly looked very pinched. He's been hiding in the rock work and it's now been two days since I've last seen him. I tried my best to find him with no luck. I'll keep you all posted.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same wave maker but the flow is crazy. What settings are you using for it. I have mine on wave 1 min setting and it's still a great amount of current.

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