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NanoBox HOW TO Bluefish : Tide/Duo/Quad Series


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The NanoBox/Bluefish combination lets you create limitless ways to illuminate your aquarium. This guide is to help you initially set your new system up and the future of your reef. The settings are subjective and of course can be changed to your taste.


NanoBox Quick Setup :


NanoBox APP Quick Guide :


Update :

Quick Setup for NanoBox line is now updated. The only units that are not 100% are Retro line and Hybrid. This will be updated 2/17/16


Tide / Duo / Quad : 14K Look Mid Day


Softies / LPS -

  • Royal Blue / Blue / Cyan CH1 : 60%
  • Neutral White / Warm White / Violet / Lime CH2 : 30%
  • Fan CH6 : Mini - 85% Duo/Quad - 75%


  • Royal Blue / Blue / Cyan CH1 : 75% - 90%
  • Neutral White / Warm White / Violet / Lime CH2 : 45%
  • Fan CH6 : Mini - 85% Duo/Quad - 75%


Tide Plus / Duo Plus / Quad Plus :


Softies / LPS -

  • Royal Blue CH1 : 60%
  • Neutral White / Warm White / Lime CH2 : 30%
  • Violet CH3 : 80%
  • Blue / Cyan CH4 : 60%
  • Fan CH6 : Mini - 85% Duo/Quad - 75%



  • Royal Blue CH1 : 80-90%
  • Neutral White / Warm White / Lime CH2 : 45%
  • Violet CH3 : 90%
  • Blue / Cyan CH4 : 80-90%
  • Fan CH6 : Mini - 85% Duo/Quad - 75%


Tide Plus M / Duo Plus M / Quad Plus M :


Softies / LPS -

  • Royal Blue CH1 : 60%
  • Neutral White / Warm White / Lime CH2 : 30%
  • Violet CH3 : 75%
  • Blue / Cyan CH4 : 60%
  • Moonlight CH5 : 1% - 5%
  • Fan CH6 : Mini - 85% Duo/Quad - 75%



  • Royal Blue CH1 : 80%
  • Neutral White / Warm White / Lime CH2 : 45%
  • Violet CH3 : 90%
  • Blue / Cyan CH4 : 80%
  • Moonlight CH5 : 1% - 5%
  • Fan CH6 : Mini - 85% Duo/Quad - 75%


You can leave the fan on 0 or 100% and it will run 100%. Do not run it any lower than 80% for the Mini and 70% for the Duo.


Kelvin Look Ratios :

These are good ratios to go off of. This is very subjective but to my eyes a good base to go off of.

10K - 1:1 Ratio All Colors

14K - 2:1 Ratio Royal/Blue/Violet to White/Lime

20K - 3:1 Ratio Royal/Blue/Violet to White/Lime


Morning/Evening Settings :

Most people like a blue tank in the morning and evenings. These are setting that are recommended if you prefer that look.


Super Blue : Darker blue with a wild pop

  • Royal Blue and Violet - 1:1 Ratio

Old School VHO : Old school "purple" look

  • Violet and Royal Blue - 3:1 Ratio

Kessil All Blue : Heavy regular blue/cyan with mixing violets and royals.

  • Royal Blue, Blue/Cyan, Violet - 1:1:1 Ratio

Mid Day Settings :

Follow the settings on the top of the page. Of course this it to your liking and tank size.



Lighting Settings :


Morning Start Time: The time of day when your lights will begin to transition from Night Levels to Morning Levels - If you do not run any light at night this is when your morning will start.



Morning Length: The length of time between Morning Start time and Midday - Midday being the " high noon " phase that you will see online.


Morning Ramp Speed: The length of time it takes to transition from Night Levels to Morning Levels


Morning Levels: The light channel output/color for Morning during clear weather.



Midday Ramp Speed: The length of time it takes to transition from Morning light levels to Midday light levels



Midday Levels: The light channel output/color for Midday during clear weather. Midday Levels are also used throughout the day when Natural Sun is enabled (Morning and Evening Levels are ignored).



Evening Length: The length of time between Midday Levels, and Night Levels



Evening Ramp Speed: The length of time it takes to transition between Midday Levels to Evening Levels



Evening Levels: The light channel output/color for Evening during clear weather.



Night Start Time: The time of day when Night Levels will start - The moonlight channel would be best for this. Running it at a max of 5%. If you do not have the moonlight channel, use channel one with a max of 1%.



Night Ramp Speed: The length of time it takes to transition from Evening Levels to Night Levels.


Night Settings :

Lunar Cycles - This will create a moon phase using your night settings ( this will dim your moonlight from the minimum setting 0% to your max percentage ). This will be most accurate using the moonlight upgrade ( CH5 ). You will have a few nights that are completely DARK. Do not fear, your light is still working.



Special Settings :



When enabled, current weather data is used from your Simulated Location to create cloud patterns by applying dimming to your light output. Partly cloudy, mostly cloudy, haze, overcast, and rain conditions all produce unique cloud patterns with varying density, speed, and dimming.




When enabled, thunderstorms with lightning are simulated when your Simulated Location’s current weather conditions match. Lightning color should be set under Special Settings, and Clouds should be enabled for proper effect.

  • I do not use this setting. I normally only show this to guests if they would like to see it. Be sure to set the lighting color to channel 2 ( White/Lime ) to really nail the effect. This is under Lighting , then special settings.


Sunrise/Sunset (Dynamic Photoperiod):

When either or both of these options are enabled, your photo- period (day length) will match that of your simulated location. This changes daily, to simulate the natural variance of the day length throughout the year. You can use the Simulation screen to see how these options are being used.

• Option A: To have a variable sunrise time, but end at your Night Start Time, enable Sunrise only.
• Option B: To have a variable sunset time, but start at your Morning Start Time, enable Sunset only.

• Option C: To use the sunrise and sunset times from your Simulated Location directly, enable Sunrise and Sunset (not recommended).
• Option D: To only use your manual settings for sunrise/sunset, disable Sunrise and Sunset.

If you enjoy your tank mainly in the evening, we recommend option A. If you enjoy your tank mainly in the morning, we recommend option B.



Photography Mode:

Photography mode is a way to quickly apply pre-set light levels for taking photos. Adjust the levels in settings, and apply from the Scenes menu.

  • I prefer to run the setting very low. This allows the camera sensor function better. A 1:1 ratio works very well too.



Scene Timer:

The Scene Timer prevents accidentally leaving your lights in Free Mode or other Scene. After the timer expires, the normal lighting schedule resumes.

  • I recommend leaving this at 5-10 minutes.


How To Find My Color? :

The best way to find your preferred color is the slider function. In the APP click the three lines with small circles ( high lighted in the photo below ). This is a quick and easy way to find what you prefer. I do not recommend changing/playing with this everyday as it can stress some tank mates out.

22962417212_3dacf1ef37_c.jpgUntitled by David Fason, on Flickr


Location? :

This is a fun option if you want to simulate a specific location. While it wont make your corals grow any quicker it is a very neat feature. Note, do not pick a cloudy/sad location ;)

22975826865_021d6a2895_c.jpgUntitled by David Fason, on Flickr


Light Graph/WIFI Signal :

If your lighting settings are slugish while manually changing them check this option. This will show you your WIFI signal along with the light graph. This also makes it a great way to share your settings with others.

22962417332_ba4385ee2e_c.jpgUntitled by David Fason, on Flickr


I hope this helps people get started with their new NanoBox units.


A few helpful hints for anyone.

  • Patience! Set your light to a setting and watch your corals closely. Changing the setting every other day WILL NOT help.
  • Start slowly. Brown corals regain there color much quicker than bleached corals.
  • Do not blame the lights off the bat! Check your parameters and make sure things are in check. If you have a newer tank you still need to establish good bacteria. This can take time!

Problems :

  • Issue with logging in.
    • Make sure you do not have an extra space at the end of your user name when logging in.
  • Issue with connecting WIFI to Imp card.
    • Make sure your router is using 2.4Ghz. It will NOT work with a 5ghz.
  • Issue with logging in at office/work.
    • The imp does not currently support enterprise-level WiFi authentication, 802.1x, which requires that you log in with a username and password as well as the customary SSID. An end-user will not be able to connect an imp-enabled device in such an environment at this time.



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Thanks Dave, I plan on diving into my Bluefish this weekend with my quad/quad hybrid- I imagine I can just use the quad settings for my hybrid then just set the T5's on a timer for about 5-6hrs. Mid day

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Looking forward to my tide and playing with the bluefish. My quad has storm. But I assume the ratios are similar for lighting "temperature"

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Thanks Dave, I plan on diving into my Bluefish this weekend with my quad/quad hybrid- I imagine I can just use the quad settings for my hybrid then just set the T5's on a timer for about 5-6hrs. Mid day

Yes sir!


Looking forward to my tide and playing with the bluefish. My quad has storm. But I assume the ratios are similar for lighting "temperature"

You got it.

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Is there a reason why you don't recommend " option C" in the sunrise sunset coulmn?

If u used this option yours lights would go on and off whenever sunrise and sunset was in ur simulated location ignoring your times altogether. So if u chose a place on the other side of the word your lights would come on in the middle of the night. Best to either use just dynamic sunrise or dynamic sunset individually of each other. I like my lights to go off the same time every night but I am okay with the start time changing so I use dynamic sunrise. With dynamic sunrise it take your night start time lets say 11 pm, and whatever the photoperiod (length of time between sunrise and sunset) of your sim location is gets subtracted from you night start to determine day start. So if the sim location photoperiod is 12 hours your lights would come on at 11 am. If it was 12 hr 10 minutes photoperiod your lights will come on at 1050 am. Their photo period changes by a minute or two daily so your lights start time would change by that as well to to match the length of their photoperiod using your end time. Using dynamic sunset is the opposite, uses your start time and than applies the photoperiod to determine end/night time.

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Can someone tell me how to turn on the fan? Is there a special place in the Bluefish controller? It's currently off now and the lights are on. Thanks!

This will be channel six. Turn this to ~80-90% on your morning, midday and evening settings.


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What percentage should I run the fan on my mini at night? In daytime at 80 minimum, and ramp it down throughout the evening and night settings?

Yours being an update, run this around 90% for the midday.


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  • 3 weeks later...

So maybe I'm not that smart... but at this point I prefer my storm controller.



I'm playing with my new super sexy black/black tide plus m. Im using a galaxy s4 and bluefish app.


Current settings:

Morning : 9AM

Morning Length : 270 minutes

Morning Ramp : 90 minutes

23% Royal

11% White

23% Violet

20% Cyan/Lime

0% Moonlight

85% Fan



Ramp : 0 minutes

Lights / Fan same as morning



Evening Length : 270 minute

Evening Ramp : 90 minutes

Lights / Fan : same


Night: 8pm

Ramp : 90 minutes

Lights : 0%

Moonlight : 2.5%

Fan : 85%


So it'll morning ramp and maintain until night. I ran fast forward on controller all seems correct. Can anyone varify?

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So maybe I'm not that smart... but at this point I prefer my storm controller.



I'm playing with my new super sexy black/black tide plus m. Im using a galaxy s4 and bluefish app.


Current settings:

Morning : 9AM

Morning Length : 270 minutes

Morning Ramp : 90 minutes

23% Royal

11% White

23% Violet

20% Cyan/Lime

0% Moonlight

85% Fan



Ramp : 0 minutes

Lights / Fan same as morning



Evening Length : 270 minute

Evening Ramp : 90 minutes

Lights / Fan : same


Night: 8pm

Ramp : 90 minutes

Lights : 0%

Moonlight : 2.5%

Fan : 85%


So it'll morning ramp and maintain until night. I ran fast forward on controller all seems correct. Can anyone varify?

Yeh it shouldn't change until your night settings kick in.

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Ok. I think I found what I want

2 hours of moonlight for morning and evening. Midday is my light ramp. Night is completely dark

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Hey Dave,

Little grow pains, I figured it out, I managed to added a pandent swing to my white change. So everything dimmed but my white channel last night.


I wanted to see the lightning effect.

Set white to 30%

Fan to 85%

Everything else 0%


Played the storm scene, could hear the storm over my phone speaker, rain and thunder, but no lightning flashed. Could I have just been impatient and didn't wait long enough?

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Hey Dave,

Little grow pains, I figured it out, I managed to added a pandent swing to my white change. So everything dimmed but my white channel last night.


I wanted to see the lightning effect.

Set white to 30%

Fan to 85%

Everything else 0%


Played the storm scene, could hear the storm over my phone speaker, rain and thunder, but no lightning flashed. Could I have just been impatient and didn't wait long enough?

That and make sure you have the white channel for the lighting mode.


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