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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

** Cad Lights install video and Shipping Jeff's Swedish Fish **


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Wait am I watching the special Olympics or professional football?

Oh nevermind buying super bowl tickets NOW


Well it is a Thursday night game..................I hoped it would be better since the Pack are playing but................

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Hdhye673bdh had hbdhhdhbs b svhdifkfnjf


I just ran laps around the house. Catching breath now.


I can't believe we actually are on the other side or that. What a brilant super high throw by A. Rodgers.



We still suck

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Packers/CAD can suck mah balls



Edit: You are a better company than CAD because you actually care about your customers. They DGAF beyond the initial sell. They're just there to make some cash by shilling out subpar products and blaming the customer for any faults... I (everyone) likes your company because you're a "down to earth" and a reasonable individual who is open to constructive criticism. Don't align yourself to CAD, it's a bad buisness practice. :(

Pinner, out

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