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Cultivated Reef

Can a Tang be in a 10 gallon aquarium?

Kasra the Reefer

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Kasra the Reefer

I have a 10 gallon(no fish in it yet) so have been seeing video of happy tang in 10 gallon tanks so have been wondering if I could put 1 in their with a clownfish.

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Here in a link


That was revealed to be a joke online. A prank.


Nobody can have a tang in that size; they die within weeks.


If you have a 60g and want to try it, that might be reasonable if you are prepared.


A 10g with a tang is killing it.


You sounds like you're new, no? Tangs are one of the hardest fish, very susceptible to to diseases and changes in the water makeup.

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This seems like a lot of work for a troll. Make a new acct w/a pic in the avi, set up a QT tank and then buy the livestock. Why the #### would you go thru the trouble just to make everyone yell at you?


PS your wall hammer is dead.

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This seems like a lot of work for a troll. Make a new acct w/a pic in the avi, set up a QT tank and then buy the livestock. Why the #### would you go thru the trouble just to make everyone yell at you?


PS your wall hammer is dead.

OP was also discussing temperature of his/her 10g a few days ago. Might be legit new reefer and confused by the (troll) video on YouTube :)

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This seems like a lot of work for a troll. Make a new acct w/a pic in the avi, set up a QT tank and then buy the livestock. Why the #### would you go thru the trouble just to make everyone yell at you?


PS your wall hammer is dead.


You're assuming the video is theirs. It isn't.


Way to many people biting here. Sorry StevieT, troll wins this round.


Trolls need to step up their game if they want to play with the best.

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Only the larger species like vlamingis or a sohal. All joking aside, I'm gonna go with no, my friend has a big 120x48x24 tank with a few tangs in it and they use every inch of that tank.

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I see so many tangs' in the small 10G display tanks at the LFS for sale every week. Like, several of them.. and I always dream of having one. They're such wonderful fish.. but then I quickly remember.. they need so much room. Then I feel sad for the lil' guys in the store...


I think there are some other species of tangs (not yellow) that can go in smaller tanks. Similar fish but not the same original "yellow" tang.

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Look, I know I am going to take heat for this but I'm going to say it.

You asked, Can a tang go into a 10 gal. Technically yes, a tang CAN go into a 10 gal. The questions should have been should someone put a tang in a 10 gal.


Now, My brother had the 20gal Elos nano tank. At the time we had a 150gal FOWLR running as well. He bought a baby purple tang (very small I might add) with plans to put it into our 150. Due to it being so small and we had large angels and tangs with a bit of aggression, he decided to put it in his 20 gal to let it grow a bit. Turns out we had to take down our 150 gal a few months after the purchase. The tang stayed in his 20 gal for over a year with no severe health issues. Constantly grazed on algae, and acted the way our tangs acted in our 150, using all areas of the tank to swim in. As far as we could tell he was happy. But sure, he would have been happier in a larger tank. Once he grew and got to a bigger size we sold him to someone who has a large 300 gal system.

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