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Coral Vue Hydros

Newtybar's 65g 5ft Long and Shallow


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Dang your tank plus those Dou's! i am in love! Did you figure out a way to hide the wires? i remember someone on here drilled whole in the wall and passed the wires through there so it would not be seen behind the tank. I dont know if thats an option for you but best of luck.

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I actually was able to keep the wires right at the water line, which hides them pretty well! Will post pictures when complete.


Dang your tank plus those Dou's! i am in love! Did you figure out a way to hide the wires? i remember someone on here drilled whole in the wall and passed the wires through there so it would not be seen behind the tank. I dont know if thats an option for you but best of luck.

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Thanks all -


I tried the vertical placement on the overflow idea for the Gyre and it looks fine, but is a bit too powerful and pushing sand around.


Finally finished the doors and added them. Oddly, the fit is off now, especially on the right side where the door is a bit tight...not sure if there was warping in the wood or if the water weight pushed the right side down.



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lol I didn't realize these were duo's, the whole time I was thinking, "does he really have 2 beams over a 5' tank?".


The duo's look so tiny on this tank

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This looking better and better every day.. What are your stocking plans?


The duos look mint! I agree they look tiny but I can't believe how much light it gives off.. Really can't wait to get me a set for my long shallow.

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Finally, pulled out this sexy thing last night - Reef Octopus 110 EXT Recirculating Skimmer


Took me forever to figure out why there wasn't enough pressure build up to reach the cup...didn't know you needed another external pump to feed water into a recirculating skimmer....another expense.



This looking better and better every day.. What are your stocking plans?

The duos look mint! I agree they look tiny but I can't believe how much light it gives off.. Really can't wait to get me a set for my long shallow.

Hey Lynton - not sure on the stocking plans - want a mixed reef...I have my clown pair and blue tang from the previous tank that I will transfer over. Not sure if I will transfer any of the rock since I want my new tank clean and there was a bit of a bubble algae outbreak in the Fusion 30L.


I do want random GSP islands in this tank...a lot of natural flowy green grass looking stuff to break up the color. Semi-planted tank look...that is the goal anyway.

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Finally, pulled out this sexy thing last night - Reef Octopus 110 EXT Recirculating Skimmer


Took me forever to figure out why there wasn't enough pressure build up to reach the cup...didn't know you needed another external pump to feed water into a recirculating skimmer....another expense.





Hey Lynton - not sure on the stocking plans - want a mixed reef...I have my clown pair and blue tang from the previous tank that I will transfer over. Not sure if I will transfer any of the rock since I want my new tank clean and there was a bit of a bubble algae outbreak in the Fusion 30L.


I do want random GSP islands in this tank...a lot of natural flowy green grass looking stuff to break up the color. Semi-planted tank look...that is the goal anyway.

Well I'm eagerly awaiting stocking pics when you get them..


The tanks looking good Defo have to let me know how you get on with the skimmer as that's going to be my next purchase for my tank

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Tank looking good love the dimensions. You got some serious sand going on in there.


Thanks Gt - you think too much sand? Hmmm...might just be the Gyre blowing it all and creating a mountain...I've already moved the gyre.

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That looks gorgeous! Darn it! Wish I had the grape monti for you :(.


I wish as well...would look great branching off of the ledge in the middle rock formation.

Are you planning on keeping corals on the sand bed thats the only issue i see with the sand blowing around.


Nah I personally don't like the look of coral on the sand bed...maybe a clam a year from now or something.

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So...everything is cycled, I put some coral in: a torch and octospawn.

Need some advice/guidance:


I believe I am going to start transferring stuff from my old tank to this one, but am wondering on what to do about the live rock. I like one of the old live rock structures in my old tank and am contemplating on:


  • Switching the new structure in the middle (in front of the overflow)



  • out with the old structure (right side of tank). This is a olddd picture from the beginner days, there is no more cowfish lol.


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hmmm no opinions? making me make the tough decision by myself eh?

First, great tank build! Awesome job!


If you like the structure, MOVE IT! I think the cultured, establish LR will be beneficial and I like the structure!

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Thanks ya'll. I have decided to keep it as it is. Now just waiting on the return of one of my nano box duo so I can finalize the rock work. All my rocks and coral are cramped up to one side at the moment.

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So I've begun to transfer some of my livestock over. Didn't really have much as....for some reason I really enjoy building the tanks...and get the itch to do a new one before the reef even begins to mature...this time will be different.


I also bought a Aussie Gold Torch and a chalice...the torch didn't make it through the 6 minute dip of CoralRevive and began to die over the next few days...bummer.


Went with my gut and took a chance on some dragons breath macro, knowing that the blue tang may eat it. So far so good. I love that guy, him and the two clowns form an odd shoal...they are always together.


The doors on the stand aren't that messed up....I just didn't close them all the way lol.



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