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My Juwel Lido 200 recovering patient.


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Just before the disaster, I gave a few birds nest frags to my friend. Post Disaster, she kindly gave me one back and it seems to be growing already.



Green digitata added.



I also have some very small green and brown polyps growing at the base of a rock. I'm thinking leptastrea. Anyone else?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Zoanthids are crowding around my "Milka" Stylophora. I'm keeping an eye on it and hoping I won't have to take any action. The zoa polyps look like they might not be having it all their own way.



Meanwhile, I have MEN. My LFS didn't, apparently, until I pointed them out all over a digitata frag. We continue with this hobby why, exactly?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Triton test result gave a surprisingly high copper level which isn't nice. I think it may have done for the Millepora.


On the other hand, progress is being made against the MEN. Coral RX, and some deft tweezer work have helped but I managed to get some help in the form of this little guy:



He came in after I was satisfied that my target mandarin is happily eating frozen food and wouldn't be out-competed.

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Lost a few tips to clumsiness during all the dipping for the MEN but here's a recent FTS.


Waiting on Triton to find out if I still have a copper issue. No idea where it came from. Hope it's going down.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


Going to look very empty for a little while as I stock it, but should be freaking awesome by next Christmas.

Inches? That's a swimming pool! Can't wait to see it. Are you going to have a thread here?

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A few new pics. Some more growth on the Stylos, Montis and Pavona. The houseguest clowns have been moved on and I went a bit wrasse crazy adding another Blue Star and a couple of flashers.







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  • 1 month later...

Anyone know what this might be? It appeared on the base of a stylo' and has been growing pretty quickly. I thought it was an encrusting montipora at first but it seems to have developed tubular coralites with large polyps emerging from the tips like an acro'. I suppose I'll know if it starts branching.



The downside is that my LFS gave me some disturbing news. Apparently, the guy in Indo' who farms the corals uses car body repair putty for the bases. This contains some heavy metals which explains the copper and nickel I have in my tank. I'm going to be removing them where I can but, in places, it isn't easy. My bonsai is encrusting like crazy and I really don't want to start chopping at it.

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nice tank. Very nice. At least you have a reason for the copper and now can do something about it. Which one is your bonsai? The big thing by the zoanthids?

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nice tank. Very nice. At least you have a reason for the copper and now can do something about it. Which one is your bonsai? The big thing by the zoanthids?


Thanks. It's the one right behind the lineopunctatus flasher in the last pic'.

Wait. You tested and found copper in your tank? If that were the case virtually everything but fish would die off. I have a very hard time believing there is copper in your system.

I think you'd be surprised at how many tanks do have copper in them. Not all concentrations are lethal to inverts.


It was, at the last Triton test, 6.98 ppb, down from a peak of 12.04. I'm running cuprisorb as a matter of course.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks. I'll take some snaps today and do a more detailed post. It has been mixed but things seem on track now (yeah, I know exactly what happens when we say that).


I've had an Alk spike (caused by an air blockage in the calcium doser) followed by some very high phosphates (I assume from feeding clams to try and help my poor copperband stay fed among his more robust tank mates). GFO reactor in place and things looking a little better.


I'll add a better post later today.

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So the tank currently looks like this:IMG_2634_zpsyjvfdm9k.jpg

An increase in movement has left the alveopora a bit contracted, It's in the firing ling of that gyre, unfortunately, but you can't please everyone.

The Milka continues to grow through all the crap I've managed to throw at it:





The spontaneously appearing green acro' has started to throw up branches:



That picture also shows the results of the shadowing that is the price we pay for all the benefits of LED. Both the Stylo' and the bonsai acro' have no polyps on the lower sections. I will either augment the lighting with some T5s or replace the Razor with a hybrid (not cheap!!!). It's a shame because LED is great in so many ways.

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Feeling brave/irresponsible/just-plain-smitten so I picked up this stupidly pricey (and probably delicate as arseholes) A. echinata. Let's see how that goes.


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So this shot contains three corals that started growing in the tank. The bottom two on live rock, the top on the base of a now-sea Stylo' frag. The top one is obviously an acropora and I think that the bottom one is probably a Leptastrea. But the middle one? Any ideas?


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