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Clownfish chasing the new clown


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Hello all,

I'm fairly new(6 months) to this hobby and I'm thankful for everyone who can provide an answer to my problem. I've had a clarkii clown for about 4 months and it was really small when I got it. After 4 months I added another juvenile clarkii hoping they'd pair at some point (2 days ago). But the big one is constantly chasing the small one. I understand this is expected but I'm not sure if I should meddle because the new one is really small and too young to pair up I'd imagine, and I don't know if it can endure the constant pressure.

Here is a short video of the chasing that takes place almost the entire day: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2jlywk_clownfish-chasing_animals

In this image you can see the small one has some problem on it's.. err.. dunno what you call it in English those parts on the front bottom of the fish to swim, I pointed the problematic area in the photo: http://i.imgur.com/1LboASd.jpg

The old clarkii is about half a year old and around 1,5'', the new one, I'm not sure how old it is but it's a little under an inch, 3/4'' perhaps, it's about half the bigger one.

Water parameters etc are all good, usually the big one chases it around for a few seconds, then minds it own business for like don't know a minute, half a minute, then comes back to chasing. I've heard a few times the small one hit the tank lid, I'm guessing it was trying to jump during the hectic chase.

I don't want to wake up in the morning and see this little sweet baby clarkii dead, should I just put it in another tank(I have a 2 gallon tank with sexy shrimps in it, guess it could house the baby clarkii for a while as it's very tiny).

What do you guys think? I will appreciate any information you can provide with.

Thank you all

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I would remove the larger clown, and place it elsewhere for a day or two.


Then re-introduce it to the main tank slowly (breeder box). You may even rearrange the rock scape a bit if possible. That way, Its not a territory thing. The smaller clown was there first so to speak.

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Can you put the older fish in a net or something for a few days, usually that gives the new fish a chance to explore the tank and locate hiding spots instead of being out in the open and an easy target. Also, if you can, re-arrange the furniture so to speak to break up established territorial structures.

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