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Cultivated Reef

DIY Deluxe Nano Cube @ 7 months


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Hello I just bought two sunpaq 32 watt retros and was going to build a hood that resembled yours. i was wondering if you have glass or plastic between the water and the lights. thanks a lot

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hello I just bought two sunpaq 32 watt retros and was going to build a hood that resembled yours. i was wondering if you have glass or plastic between the water and the lights. thanks a lot


I used a 4 dollar piece of glass from Ace hardware, and it keeps the water from splashing up from the penguin mini. Every few weeks I rub the salt off the PCs with a wet t-shirt.


I'm having a pretty serious outbreak of bubble algae, and I've heard that can come about when a tank has too much calcium. I bought that expensive salt that comes with the calcium, and I can't bring myself to stop because it was so darn expensive. After that bag runs out, I'll go back to instant ocean.


The only other problem is my super expensive orange yuma rock, whitch had 7 ricordeas on it only has 2 left!X)


Other than that, things seem to be fine. I still like the GSP more than anything else. I also got a new dog for my wife a few weeks ago.... and potty training in our tiny highrise apartment is taking away ALL OF MY TIME.


Oh well, I think my tank has done better without my messing with it so much.


Here are the latest pics:







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By the way, where did you get that yuma rock and would you mind saying how much it cost? I know they're espensive as all get out, but the colors on those are lovely. I've been looking for a solitary polyp of that color for quite a while now.

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CJ, I have a 9w actinic lamp from hello-lights screwed to the far back of the tank, its on a separate timer to run for ~30 min after 88w main lights shutdown.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm running a penguin mini, but I really just run it after I scrape algae off the glass with a razor blade.


If I run it constantly, the water evaporates too fast, and the room feels muggy and damp.


Here is another pic I took today to show my new crab in the background. Go get that hair algae!



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dude ur tank is sweet! i have a diamond goby that is too big for my nano, and i want to get rid of it and get a pair like urs. anyway what kind are they??? does that specie always form pairs??? thanx love all that actinic, i just added some to my tank after seeing urs.

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Thanks dantwenty2,


My dad got me the pair of rose-prawn gobies when he came thru Chicago last year.


They spend most of their time with eachother when they aren't getting cleaned my my skunk shrimp.


Here is a better quality pic of the shot above:



And here is a closeup of the fish:


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your tank is beautiful :) but just a suggestion, on your hood in the corners where the light leaks through have you thought about getting some corner round moulding and putting that in there? it will round off your hood at the corners to match the tank, and stop that light leak. :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Well everbody, it's time for me to move.


I have already donated most of my corals to my favorite LFS... But I'm considering selling the hood.


Any takers?


PM me! :)

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