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Craziest story?

Dr.Brain Coral

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Sheesh, where do I start?


There was the time that the micro brittle stars spawned...





And the time the mithrax crab molted right before my eyes...




And the wacky mantis shrimp shenanigans...








Crazy things are always happening my my tanks!

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Ive had a dwarf lion fish jump when I turned the lights on unexpectedly, land on the mag float at the top of the tank and half his body with his fin on the lip of the tank sticking out like he was sitting at bar saying "whats up"


There was the great escape into my display tank of the dwarf octopus


Or my favorite....


Wking up at 12:30am for some odd reasoning, rolling over looking at my tank (which was bed level next to my bed) and thinking the tank looks cloudy...and why does my room smell like sex and low tide (I was sleeping alone that night!). Flip the tank lights on to my tank being cloudy as heck and my feather duster spawning like mad. 3 full water changes of a 40 breeder...and my params were never the same again.

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My craziest story happened yesterday lol. My 150 gallon freshwater sprung like 20 leaks after being up and running for 7 years without issue. Luckily I had just gotten home from running errands about 15 minutes prior. I ran around the house draining water like crazy and trying to catch all the water fall onto the floor!

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Yeah lol, it was unreal. I did the truffle shuffle when I first realized holy crap, this is really happening. Luckily I have tile and I was quick enough with towels (every towel we own btw, including the dirty ones in the hamper basket lol) and all my Home Depot buckets. Plus I had a python hooked up and I personally drained water into 6 empty 5 gallon buckets via suck siphon until empty. As much as this royaly sucked, I'm super happy it happened while I was home and standing five feet away lol.

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Yeah lol, it was unreal. I did the truffle shuffle when I first realized holy crap, this is really happening. Luckily I have tile and I was quick enough with towels (every towel we own btw, including the dirty ones in the hamper basket lol) and all my Home Depot buckets. Plus I had a python hooked up and I personally drained water into 6 empty 5 gallon buckets via suck siphon until empty. As much as this royaly sucked, I'm super happy it happened while I was home and standing five feet away lol.

150 Gallons?! Thats alot of Home Depot buckets! Like you said good thing you were home! I get mad when my siphon falls out of my water change bucket for a second. LOL! I dont know what I would do if I had 150 gallons spilling!

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Dr.Brain Coral

Great thread Dr. Brain! Thanks for posting.



Not my craziest story, but yesterday a fly made it into my apartment when I came home after work. It flew around all evening annoying the bejesus out of us. I jokingly said, "when I catch you, I'm gonna feed you to one of my anemones!" Hours later while in bed reading, the little bugger was bouncing off my lamp and window blinds. I waited until he crawled in between one of the blinds and gently pushed on them with my book.



I think the fly was still alive when I fed it to one of my anemones. lol.

Tanks mr.microscope, I posted a thread like this before and it seemed like lots of people enjoyed it so I made this thread.

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