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what kind of glue for coral frags do you use???


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Yes to both questions... GSP is one of the easiest to glue. I've glue gsp frags at least 10-15 times with 100% success.

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i pat dry the surface (rubble) and polyp. seems to hold better than when only dried the surface.


slightly off topic (sorry), what aisle do you find aquamend at home depot? i couldn't find it on the glue aisle.

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I found the aquament in the paint aisle.


you know you coulda just asked someone at home depot, they are really quite friendly there.

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I have tried Holdfast and Aquastick as well as the pool/pond stuff from Home Depot. I hate the Home Depot stuff because it is WHITE, and even after six months it is barely covered in coralline. The holdfast is grey-er, and I got the Aquastick which came in pink. Both have coralline on them after 2 months. Of note: the pink aquastick is $10 for half as much as the grey version. F&*@$*&(#)$^&!!!!

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of course, i asked but they did not know. may have been a new guy because there were a whole lot of new faces i have not seen there previously. i also didn't want to have to carefully explain what application i was to use aquamend for. as soon as i said aquarium, he pointed to aquarium silicon.

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yeah, but most epoxy even watersafe doesnt stick underwater. with this stuff you can put a dab on your finger and stick it on a rock underwater then put something on it. or take a frag out of water put glue on the frag, and attatch it to rockwork that you cant remove from the tank (underwater). this is something i've never been able to do with any epoxy that i've found, but maybe someone else has had better luck. this is expecially useful when fragging types of gorgonians and sponges that need to stay underwater.

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I want to know if i could use a small pin to stick my new button polyps to my LR... I got these little babies from my LFS ( i was looking for small frags) - and these were just growing on the bottom glass of their tank. There is nothing attached to them - just a bunch of polyps and thats all. there is a space i can put the pin through without touchin them and then hopefully theyll attach to my LR in a few days??



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if your gonna do that make sure it's stainless steel, my guess is that it's not and it will rust.. no good. i've heard of people using stainless steel surgical needels, that would probly be best.

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propellers shaft in my maxijet is metal. kind of hard to avoid metal in a tank. even stainless steel will oxidise.


garf glue = garf.com???

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Originally posted by mderemick

I want to know if i could use a small pin to stick my new button polyps to my LR...  I got these little babies from my LFS ( i was looking for small frags) - and these were just growing on the bottom glass of their tank.  There is nothing attached to them - just a bunch of polyps and thats all.  there is a space i can put the pin through without touchin them and then hopefully theyll attach to my LR in a few days??




Can't you superglue polyps?? or what you could do is put a bridal veil over the polyps on the rock and they should attach in a few days, then remove the veil.

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Unfortunately (or fortunately - depending on which side of the fence you're on) Im not gettin married anytime soon so I used a rubber band instead. Now im just hoping its not too tight on the poor little things...


Hopefully they'll be open when I get home tonight.

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I used the aquarium 2 part putty. It's $10 works well and hardens in the water, also great for keeping rocks together.



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