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Coral Vue Hydros

Fluval spec 2 (est.8-19-13) video on pg. 4!


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and another question, can i have too many corals in this 2 gallon tank?

Yes. In a tank that small I would have one or two varieties and let them grow out.

That Sphinx would have looked cool with coralline algae and other sea life encrusting it.

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Yes. In a tank that small I would have one or two varieties and let them grow out.

That Sphinx would have looked cool with coralline algae and other sea life encrusting it.

oh yeahh, thanks! it will be in my next tank, i have a 20 tall, and hoping to make a very unique tank around the sphinx lol. and i have a bunch of zoas, and just put those star polyps in there, and 2 mushroom polyps... i hope that isnt too much

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  • 4 weeks later...

hey guys, its been a while, here is a updated FTS



, i work entirely too much right now, so i havent had much time to set up my new 20 gallon. so i continue with my fluval shoebox. added a few more zoas, red and brown shroom, a finger leather and some gps!!! now i will buy a monti this weeknd or nexxt to see how that works out!!

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looking real good, i just plumbed a spec to my evolve, using it as a refugium

niceeee! do you have a thread for it? with pics? cuz my brother and i were thinking of plumbing a 3 gallon type spec aquarium to our 8 gallon biocube

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the "u" tube at the bottem of the pic pulls water by siphen from the display tank to the spec. and the "u" tube at the top of the pic pumps water from the spec to the display tank.





in this pic you can see the pump i use is just a small fountain pump. the only issues ive run into so far has been getting the display tank at the right level, which i found depends on the level in the spec, and the tube from the display to the spec, the tube at the lower edge of the first pic, needs to be at least the same size if not a little bigger than the tube with the pump

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ahhh i see, yeah i was thinkin about it being below, idk if that will be a nightmare or not with the water level! thats pretty neet though!!

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  • 2 weeks later...



the tank has been doing great slow growth though for everything, but everything is very healthy looking and colorful. i guess zoas grow kinda slow. idk about the finger leather its still the same size, but opened up and seems to be very happy! it is the new post spot for my yellow clown goby :P anyway i do a cup a day water change, and dose kent marine essential elements every 3-5 days, just 5 drops, im not sure if the softies use up much of the elements anyway, but im sure they are happy with it lol.


so lately ive been on the hunt for sps or lps in my local area, and found a cool guy thats usually at my lfs when im in there, he sold me a chalice coral today, originally i thought it was an encrusting montipora, but this works out better since the chalice might be a little more hardier for me in the nano than the sps lol... i will have a fts tomorrow!


i also found a micro algea glass cleaner, very happy about that , using a broken clothes hanger and a piece of filter floss was getting old!!

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FTS: i will take another when everything is open too lol....


the new chalice coral is doing quite well, this is the first hard coral i have ever owned, im proud its doing good. everything else is doing fantastic as well!!


EXCEPT the green star polyps, they have some sort of hard algea growing on them, im not sure how to fix it, the hermits and snails dont touch it, and i did my best to pick it all off with tweezers but it just stays there. its not on anything else which is the weird part!

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not hair, its hard crystally brown stuff... its the wierdest thing ive ever seen. and like i said since the day i bought the frag it has not spread from it.. it was keeping the polyps from opening, so i used tweezers to get some of it off, it helped, but its still all over the thing

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your welcome, and yea i understand i had green hair algae on my star polyp for a long time, it sucks, but i finally got rid of it, good luck with the chalice, i never kept one, not much more room in my tank to put anything

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just bought a 3 polyp candy/trumpet coral! pink dominate color, looks pretty nice, its on the bottom of the tank

new FTS mostly everything open


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what is everyones thoughts on keeping a montipora capricorna? i heard they are the easiest of the sps, and i know they are hard to keep reguardless, the plating corals seem to be the ones with the least amount of upkeep compared to the acropora and birdsnest sps, i thought id get my feet wet with the chalice and i think it is doing quite well! i add drops of trace elements to help with calcium, its at 450-500ppm at all times, i only have a few hard corals, but i wanted to see how good i was at keeping the chemistry at a balance as to not stress out the corals.;

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Personally I'd wait a bit longer, and see how you do in a bit longer term. but everyone has to start somewhere and you got good practices so it's up to you, just don't get into the gotta get more and more mind set, either way is good

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