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Cultivated Reef


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Hello All:


I've always been interested in keeping a clam and I am currently setting up a 6g nano. Is it possible to keep a clam in such a tank with frequent water changes? I have a par 30 from BoostLED...


Of course, this is a couple months down the line since I still haven't started cycling yet, but if I were to put a clam in when would be a good time to do so? 6 months in? 1 year? After cycle is complete?



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any special advice regarding when to add, what I need to pay attention to? My tank is going to be a barebottom, so I imagine I can just put him directly on the bottom?

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Mine seems to do fine with a WC every 2 weeks and a pinch of baking soda and calcium every other day. It's a 5g.

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will be be able to keep up with those parameters with weekly water changes? I'll be using the red sea coral pro salt...

Mine seems to do fine with a WC every 2 weeks and a pinch of baking soda and calcium every other day. It's a 5g.

pinch of calcium? i'm assuming the baking soda is for alk? but where do I get the calcium (i'm assuming not calcium tablets from the pharmacy? :P) Also, can you have too much alk?

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A pinch of baking soda for alk, and some Seachem calcium. Gets the job done.

Too much alk is possible. That's why I only use a pinch.

I use Red Sea Coral pro.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was unsuccessful keeping a small maxima in my 6g with a par 38. Also I have a fuge below that is essentially set up for the eventual 57 rimless. so about 17 gallons water volume. Had stable params.


Actually, this is probably what did it. I tried to get him to attach to a rock, and he decided to shimmy off into the sand, when i tried to move him it was a little bit attached tot he rock, and I guess some of his foot came off. He never reattached. A few weeks later it was time to take him out. That must've been the death of him, am I right?

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justin carnecchia

Yeah breaking off his foot isn't good. I would also guess a par38 might not be adequate. Personally I would go with a 150 MH for clams, especially a maxima. I know a lot of people here are advocates of leds but it seems like the people who have the best luck with clams still use metal halides.

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