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'picOrdea' by ZROGST [Ricordea florida Species Tank]


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Micro-Reefs Aquariums

I like that last picture, PicoAquariums and Micro-Reefs together posing for a picture! :)

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Yeah it's great. I have the 60w (Nano) and 160w (Largest they make currently); In love with both fixtures. The heatsink is a work of art, and the spectrum is nice. The cost, ultimately, sold me on both: no controller or mounting accessories to buy < OR SO I THOUGHT! But a sheet of acrylic won't be expensive and that's not Maxspect's fault :]

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So you like the razor? I am going to order one tonight i think.

Looks like I don't have to test fit, he was able to get it mounted with the included arm. Honestly man I wouldn't hesitate buying one, it's a phenomenal light.

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I picked up a big plump Ricordea with some yellow coloration in it at the LFS. They were having an anniversary sale, so Rics were $10 a polyp.


The rock that the Ric was mounted to.. well... turned out to be a clam! An alive clam. With two colorful feather dusters attached - all for $10! Not sure on the species of clam, not sure that it will last in the tank, but very cool. He extends his siphons all day.



You can see one of the two Trimmas I got (Red Spot Goby) perching on the left.

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PicO Aquariums

Ok I guess I will just have to get one and figure out how to mount it to the PicO's because damn it looks good!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm always a huge fan of sleek AIOs. well done! I don't see how you could get anything done at that desk though. When i had my 10g on my desk it was one of the most distracting things ever... in a good way though :P

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Hey it's been a while! Everything is growing! Algae is starting to get under control. (Thanks John & ReefCleaners!); This tank has never given me problems... big update to OP!


taken with D7000 & Kenko extension tubes, minimal post-processing.









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Looking pretty clean, setup looks sweet, I think I will do some rics in my new 7g ADA. Thank is looking pretty minimalistic, do you have anything else planned for the display or are you keeping things simple?

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What type of algae is that on the back wall? I have it all over my return, back wall and MP10 wetside.

I call it brown sludgy crap. I think it's just a heavy dusting of diatoms. I brushed a lot of it off near the intake grills on the left, just got lazy and didn't do it on the right. You can see where i took airline hose during a water change and just scraped at it. It's really soft, no excuse for not cleaning it before taking pictures really.



dude, how many PicOs do you have?? Can we get a shot of ALL your PicOs?

Hahaha, unfortunately I only have 2 PicOAquariums tanks. This PicO Is and the custom PicO I use as my main mixed reef.



Looking pretty clean, setup looks sweet, I think I will do some rics in my new 7g ADA. Thank is looking pretty minimalistic, do you have anything else planned for the display or are you keeping things simple?

Thank you :wub: ; I planned on just keeping things simple. I added both Trimmas when I never planned on adding fish - they are pretty cool but hardly move (preferring to perch on a rock and wait for feeding time.) I'm waiting for the Ricordea's to grow out at this point, Ideally most of the existing rock will be covered in ric clones and it will look like a small slice of a matured tank.

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Dude get a turbo snail! I loved mine. He was probably the best cleaner evar! He cleaned up a whole field of hair algae overnight. And he had the cutest little snail face. Also, they usually learn not to bulldoze frags and stuff, you just have to correct them when they start doing it.

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Turbos get seriously big, my current clean-up-crew is sufficient - i was just joking about them being lazy :] John's snails are best snails. Workhorse snails!


I usually wipe down that back acrylic when I wipe the glass, but I had been ignoring it, that's all. :)

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